I'm feeling a bit paranoid that they'll be cross if I call the hospital to chase for an op date! I've been waiting for a surgery date since the 18th November 2014 for posterior and anterior prolapse repair with the removal of my cervix in 2007 mainly to blame as there's nothing to hold everything up. I've been struggling with endo since my teens but was only diagnosed in 2005 and had a hysterectomy in 2007 at 29 years old and had my ovaries removed in 2012.
For the past year or so I have struggled badly with my bowels/bladder and leak from my bladder everytime I move around and have little control. It is having a massive impact on my work and home life and making me feel really low every day.
A few weeks ago I emailed the waiting times manager and was told it would probably be mid april and that she would contact me when they had a date. We're now at the end of march and my employers are keen to know when they will need to cover me and I need to know for my own piece of mind when it will be and I've still heard nothing but I don't wish to be seen as a nuisance!! Do I leave it and wait for contact??
Sorry for the long ramble just feeling really fed up today