In hospital after lap and I don't feel well meant to be discharged today but don't feel right, how do I convince the doctor to keep me? Help please
Hospital: In hospital after lap and I don't... - Endometriosis UK

Hi darling, sorry not not doing so well,
How are you feeling?? What did they do??
They cut endo away and released some scarring from my bowel. It's hard to explain how I feel I just don't feel right but yet my obs say different ::
Hey Hun just tell the doctor when he comes round on his ward rounds how your feeling, it might just be coz uve have exensive surgery I know it's a werid question but have u opened your bowels I only ask coz when ive had work done on my bowel I feel horrid and conspitated xx
No not opened my bowels since op and haven't had a wee since the op which is about 12 hours now.
Omg seriously no wonder u don't feel right have the nurses not catheterised u? Do they know ive had 5 ops and every one of them the nurses have got me up to go the loo and if ive not gone ive not been allowed home !!!
I had a small wee after the surgery but nothing since :/
Have you tried to have a wee if u have and still can't tell the nurses hun it might make u feel better if they help u empty ur bladder xx
Had a small dribble :/ which was extremly painful is that normal?
U should be passing urine ok before u can be discharged. If they want to send u home ask to speak to someone more senior expressing you are reluctant to go home as u still feel unwell. I did it last time and stayed an extra 24 hours and was much better for it. You know your own body better than anyone else. Good luck x
I was discharged straight after mine! I hadn't been to toilet, hadn't been given a drink or anything! I was also in recovery for over 2 hours due to my body trying to deal with pain, I had twice the amount of morphine given to me! They got me dressed, took me to the car, left the cannula in my hand! so the nurse had to go back up to get gloves and all to remove it! You need to tell them that your not feeling right! otherwise they'll send you home like they did me and its horrible!
hope your ok
100% don't let them discharge you! i went private for my laps, the first couple I was in and home the same day, the last time I couldn't pee and I was majorly dehydrated and had drips in me left right and centre! You know your body and you know when your ready! Listen to yourself and don't feel rushed! Xx
Everything started working again so got sent home this morning, can't complain about the hospital they were fab!