Good Evening lovely ladies hope you are ok and not in too much pain today.
Just wondered if any of you know if a hospital is allowed to give you your notes and photographs of your endo.
I went to a specialist endo centre on Wednesday after been referred by my GP. It was a bit of a waste of time as they had not received my notes from the hospital where I had my lap in December last year. Burnt off endo on my uterus and have endo on my bowel, but I don't know how bad it is. Have also been told on an ultra sound scan that I have a bulky uterus so not sure if I have adenomyosis.
Just don't want to get to my next appointment with no notes received again.
I am so thankful to you lovely ladies on this site and your advice and support means so much to me.
May you enjoy your evening
Take care lots of love Janet x