Hi, just wanted to know about a bowel prep, and any advice how to make it less awful. Thanks x
Bowel prep?: Hi, just wanted to know about... - Endometriosis UK
Bowel prep?

I don't know if the prep is the same but I recently had a Barium enema and had to take Picolax before. The best tip I got was to get some Aloe Vera Huggies baby wipes and use these instead of loo paper as they are softer and won't chafe. The Picolax was super fizzy so was best made with ice cold water and drunk quickly. I found within about an hour it worked and what came out was (TMI) just liquid. It was not painful like a stomach upset but you do need to be close to a loo as when you need to go you really need to go. I made sure I had books and magazines in the loo but was never in there that long, just often. It was not as bad prep wise as I thought it would be.
Like Mindstorm I’ve had picolax but after my lap as my bowl was found to be very constipated (I put this down to all the co-codamol I was taking for the endo pain). Slight mix up at the hospital meant that a nurse came to see me in recovery and insisted I take it right away. About 20mins later the consultant came to see me and was not pleased to hear that I’d already taken it as he left instruction for me to take it a few days later after I had recovered a bit. I then left the hospital asap to get home and near a comfortable toilet! Like Mindstorm says baby wipes are a good idea and be prepared for a long stay in the bathroom – my bottom was toilet seat shaped by the end of the day! Wasn’t painful just unpleasant. If you share your bathroom it may be best to let the family know it will be occupied for some time and to give you some privacy.
I’d heard awful things about it before I had it but it really wasn’t that bad. Just don’t stray far from a nice loo.
Good luck xx
Hi I had Senna to take for 3 days before my op and a liquid only diet. To be honest it wasn't as bad as I'd read it to be. I was at work for those 3 days, I managed to time taking the Senna so that I would empty my bowel in the morning and then when I got home, it said on the packet it takes about 8 hours to go through your system. I'm not sure if that's the same as what you have though.