Just got back from my meeting with the Endo specialist in our area and I am so fed up. Have had severe pains for nearly 2 years, I'm off work every 4 weeks for a week and they have now diagnosed me with stage 4 Endo and I need part of my bowel removed. I really hoped that my specialist would have something to say today but yet again I have been fobbed off with crap painkillers and anti inflammatory Meds, been told I need to wait 2 months to have an MRI and then they will see about surgery. When we talked about having kids his only advice was to have lots of sex! Not a single other bit of advice or support. I am just so fed up.
I have signed up for acupuncture and reflexology but wondered if anyone has any advice. I really don't want to be signed off sick but everything is just causing severe anxiety and stress and I don't know what to do.
Sorry for the rant just don't know who else to talk to.