A few days ago I came across an article that suggested taking a raw carrot every day could help reduce oestrogen activity thereby helping to bring it in balance with progesterone. An imbalance between these two hormones, with oestrogen being higher, is a contributory factor in endo. Endo is oestrogen driven. There are plenty of articles online if you search "carrots oestrogen". This is one I found that references other sources. katedeering.com/2012/11/a-r... It indicates some guidelines on the best way to include raw carrot in the diet without disrupting other processes.
Not wanting to take some stranger's word for it I had a look for any more specific research to back this up and very quickly found the study "Lycopene and other carotenoids inhibit estrogenic activity of 17beta-estradiol and genistein in cancer cells."
The study concludes "These results suggest that dietary carotenoids inhibit estrogen signaling of both 17beta-estradiol and genistein, and attenuate their deleterious effect in hormone-dependent malignancies."
While this study is connected with breast cancer, it has implication for endo. Both diseases are driven by oestrogen dominance, in particular a form of oestrogen known as 17beta-estradiol. Genistein is a phytooestrogen in soy and this study reiterates the need to steer clear of soy. Lycopene is found in tomatoes.