Booked in for a lap for endo on Tuesday at 7.30am. Looking through the surgery leaflet and it says that I will be admitted the day before my surgery. Does that mean that I will have to be in hospital the whole day before my surgery? Just seems like a long wait. Thank you for any info - I've never had an lap or an operation before.
Is it normal to get to have to get to the... - Endometriosis UK
Is it normal to get to have to get to the hospital the day before your surgery?

Hi there, no you won't, your are being admitted the day before because your lap is first thing, you will probably be asked to check into the ward in the evening time around 7pm so they can admit you and go over all necessary procedures.
Best of luck with it hope all goes well for you xx
One of my ops i was 1st one in next day so i was asked to come in at about 7pm as i recall- after the majority day cases had been sent home. i got a bed, and aside from one or two hangers on who were not yet ready to go home, that was it really. I stayed up till about 10, pottering around, went outside for a smoke, read some magazines, did a bit of needlework and then went to sleep. Was woken up early and prepped for the op and the funny thing was I was taken there in a wheelchair...they insisted!!!
i was perfectly okay to walk - was an op to remove my gall bladder that time.
I seem to think I was woken about 6.30 so could wash and have a pee etc. but not been allowed food or drink since about 10 pm the night before. I was certainly kept in overnight after the op due a bad reaction to the morphine and a projectile vomiting episode like out of the exorcist which was rather embarrassing at the time.
As this is a 1st lap op - you should be expected to go home the afternoon or evening of the day of your op assuming all goes well and you are peeing normally and your blood pressure is stable.
Main thing is take something to relieve the boredom. Magazines, crafts, crossword books, or watch telly is there is one and you might need money to pay for tv viewing. Or listen to an MP3.
I wouldn't recommend taking in an ipad or something of that value as storing it in the early morning when so many more people will be arriving and milling about while you are having your op will put it at risk of being whipped away.
It's not "normal" for day surgery cases.
It is "normal" for surgery that may mean you need a bowel prep for. I had to be admitted the afternoon before surgery as I needed my bowel completely cleared out. You can do this at home but if you live too far away they will admit you so you don't have toilet troubles during the trip to hospital !
Best of luck.
Barbara x
PS The only thing I like about being admitted the day before is that they can give you some medication to relax you and help you sleep x
Thank you for all your replies. I have to get in at 7.30 am, but don't know what time my surgery is at. I have heard about the bowel prep - but I'm hoping that my surgery will actually be on that day, rather then hanging around from 7.30 am, then having to stay the night then have the surgery.
I had to be there at 7.30 am the day of my surgery. I was first on list, I was wheeled down to surgery bout 9.30 am.
If it's your diagnostic lap then you will just go in that morning and will more than likely be home that evening. Try not to expect to be done first. I went in at 7am thinking oh great I'll be done early and I was last on the list! My next op I have to go in the night before as I need a bowel prep. If your letter says 7:30 that's the time you will need to be there. Best of luck.xx