Hi everyone
Im new here but Im finding it so useful so far, thanks for sharing all your stories etc.
I was wondering if anyone might be able to offer me any advice or info based on my story so far, here is the timeline so far:
* Started seeking out medical care in May 2013 after having at least 2 years of brown spotting before my periods (exactly 5 days before my period every single month)
* GP sent me to the hospital for a transvaginal ultrasound which showed everything was normal.
* In August 2013 started getting pelvic pain and back pain from about 2 days before ovulation until about the 2nd day into my period (regularly taking ibuprofen). Fatique, mood swings, irritable bowel.
* Went back to the doctors and was sent for day 21 progesterone test (which came back as borderline 30NMOL) and Thyroid test which was completely normal.
* Went back to the doctors and requested a referral to gynae which was done.
* Met with gynae who was annoying, didn't listen to me, ignored the fact that I told him I wanted children, didn't examine me at all. Told me I definitely didn't have endometriosis. suggested it was pms, prescribed me with antidepressants and told me he would see me in 6 months. I was not at all impressed with his consultation, the fact the didn't examine me to understand the location of my pain.
* Immediately booked a consultation with a private consultation with a gynaecologist who listened very carefully to all of my symptoms, told me a diagnosis of pms was ridiculous and not to take the antidepressants, looked at my bbt charts (ive been charting for 8 months), did another transvaginal ultrasound and said she suspected that I had endometriosis. The ultrasound was inconclusive as it was 4 days before my period was due and the lining of my uterus was abnormally thick - 18mm.
* Went back to private gynae to have ultrasound again, mainly to see if thick lining had shed and to get a better look. Apparently lining had shed, my ovaries are not polycystic, uterus is normal size, no endo visible, definitely ovulating. My cervix is also fine when she looked.
Basically as we are now desperate for a baby the private gynae has suggested that we spend 6 months trying very seriously to conceive before pushing for a lap and a dye test through nhs.
I know now from my nhs appointment that gynaes aren't always the best source of information and how useful people who are going through this can be. I was wondering if anyone could offer me any advise on the following things.
Do I have a right to demand an appointment with a different gynae?
Do I have a right to demand a laparoscopy?
Im aware that some of my pain doesn't fit within the traditional endo symptoms, I am now a few days before ovulation and the pain is back from experience I know the back pain and sore pelvic pain will last until day one of my period when it will change to a burning pain, then day 3 of my period it will disappear, then I will get around a week or so of no pain before it will start again just before ovulation. Any experience of this?
My pain is located across my lower pelvis and lower back but I have this very specific pain that I can pinpoint which is about 2 inches above my vaginal opening on the right side and this patch is about 2 inches big but there are no lumps or anything. Its so weird but I feel it every month and its really painful. I have felt it a couple of times on the left side but not often. Its so low that its probably below the pelvic cavity so would this be consistent with endo?
So many questions and so frustrating not to have any answer. Its so frightening to want a baby, be in constant pain and have all this uncertainty hanging over you.
Advice/support and experiences would be really appreciated.
All the best to all of you.
Naomi xx