(I have so much pain in my lower abdomen every day) Does anyone know how long do I need to take time off work?
I am going to have a diagnostic laparosco... - Endometriosis UK
I am going to have a diagnostic laparoscopy in 10 days for ? endometriosis. I am worried about it! Has anyone had it recently?

1 week if they don't find anything, 2 weeks for sure if they do find. I have had the "we didn't find anything lap" and was fine to go back in a week. Also had the "we removed your ovary and fallopian tube, took care of an adhesion, and burned the endo", and required 2 weeks off.
Hi Wanshanying
I had a laparoscopy in January and took two weeks off work. Please don't worry about the operation; it is keyhole and so does not leave much lasting damage at all. Recovery pains were no worse than period pains. Make sure you ask the hospital for some ibuprofen and paracetamol before you go home. Then rest up and let your family spoil you!
Take care xx
Hi! I had a lap recently and was told to have 3-4 weeks off to recover and I needed all of that time. This was because they also treated some of the endo that they found. They said if it had only been for diagnostic purposes then 1-2 weeks would have been fine.
My hospital says 2 weeks even if they don't find anything so be prepared for that. It's not really anything to worry about, my only additional suggestion would be to stock up on some mild laxative for when you get home. A lot of people (including me ) suffer from constipation after a general anaesthetic and you really don't need that while you're trying to recover!!
I had my first lap a week ago and was also worried cos it was my first op. But it was fine in the end. They thought they were removing cysts and ended up finding lots of endo in my uterus so I'm actually still in quite a bit of pain because of the inflammation. So be prepared for the fact an ultrasound can't show up stuff they find with a camera. ( I'm assuming they will treat this kind of thing while they are in with you even though yours is diagnostic cos there's no point in opening you up twice.)
However, the op itself was smooth, I was sat up in bed and eating within minutes of waking up and I had very little gas pain. I was recommended to swirl my arms in circles and if I had some shoulder pain from the gas this stopped it. I also took buscopan and peppermint capsules (the nurse said to drink lots of peppermint tea). Some people feel sick from the anaesthetic. I made a point of asking for the anti sickness drug you can take before the op. I explained I had a long car journey after the op and was afraid of car sickness on top. So in the end I felt no sickness at all. Have you got someone to look after you for a while? I've been staying at my Dad's (cos I'm single) and he's been waiting on me like a butler.. lucky me. I do hope you kind find a kind person to look after you like this so you can recover faster by taking it easy.
I've been signed off for two weeks by the surgeon but I can foresee it taking another 2 after that for me before I return to work but that's cos I'm a school teacher and the nature of the job. My doctor will oversee this side of things and he says you mustn't rush back after this kind of surgery. The main thing evidently is not to lift heavy weights - 20lb max for several weeks. Anyway, hope this has reassured and prepared you a bit and all the girls advice on here too .. I'm a newbie but some of them have had several and loads of experience. I wanted to share you my story cos mine was recent too and I was also worried. Will be thinking of you and hope it's as good as can be xx
Hello I had my first laparoscopy on 24th Feb. I am off work currently due to pain after removing part of my ovary, large cysts and endo in pouch of Douglas . The op is nothing to worry about itself I just have 3 small incisions. I did get sick and constipated after the anaesthetic but I took senacot and drank ginger tea. As for the gas I got a lot of discomfort but only for about 2 days. The main thing is no lifting and I found putting my socks and shoes on difficult for the first 2 weeks. Good luck and try not to worry . I aim to be back at work 25 th March
its fine - you wont know anything anyway - its a tiny wee stitch - I was off a week cos they need to take the stiches out - you might feel slight pulling after it but you probably have had pain from the endo a lot worse than anything you will feel after your lap
I had the same thing about 2 years ago. I am also in pain in abdo everyday. When it was the diagnostic lapa I felt fine within a week. When I had a laparoscopy where they removed endo (more recently ) i took a lot longer to heal.