Has anyone heard or tried serrapeptase ta... - Endometriosis UK

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Has anyone heard or tried serrapeptase tablets

Sheri26 profile image
13 Replies

Be interested to hear any stories relating to this tablets

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Sheri26 profile image
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13 Replies
savitha_2 profile image

What about this tablet...may you elaborate please..!

Kimttcnumber2 profile image

Hi:) I used serrapeptase for when I found out I had endo cysts one on my ovary and one coming off my ovary took them for four weeks before my lap and dye test with conjunction wobenzeym took both and when I woke up after my lap surgeon said I have no cysts anywhere no endo anywhere so that's the only thing I did after being told they would t go on there own that why I had a lap but after having a blood test 2 weeks after they found them they said that my levels had gone right down in my blood then when they found them and did a blood test straight away so started to work quick the to emzeyns :) I'm still on them now just to make sure as I'm ttc that's my experience x

Evezy profile image

I have literally started it 2 days ago as I have read positive reports about it. I bought a product called 'Blockbuster Allclear' which contains Serrapeptase. I got the impression that to get the maximum benefit for treating the endometreosis that this was only part of the treatment. So I made further enquiries.

I have been emailing a nutritionist - Robert Redfern -goodhealthhelpdesk.com. There is no charge for this. He seems to be a guru in Serrapeptase. (It is through him that I initially bought the pills).

I have informed him that I am waiting for a hysterectomy but in the meantime I need my pain controlling. He has been very understanding and is quite positive that if I follow his diet and endometreosis plan that includes Serrapeptase that this surgery could be avoided. This can be achieved in as little of 30 - 60 days! To me this is a no brainer as I will be waiting longer than this for my op. The only reason I want this op is to be rid of this awful pain and reading some of the comments on this site this is not always achieved.

Initially the treatment I think is quite expensive as you need to take 12 tablets a day at first but that gets reduced to a low dose, that's if you actually need it. But his advice and guidance is free and is brilliant. He replies so quickly.

I started emailing him yesterday explaining my situation. He has answered all my questions and put my mind at rest as to what to do next. I am about to put my order in now - That's less than 24 hrs since my first email. Also when I ordered my 'Blockbuster All Clear' it arrived next day. If only the endometreosis would go that quickly!

Fingers Crossed.

Brownlow profile image
Brownlow in reply to Evezy

Hi Evezy,

When I first joined this forum, your post on the qfibre heat wrap was the first post I read!

I was wondering how the serrapeptase worked for you and how you are getting on generally. Did you have your hysterectomy at all? Hope things are well.

Evezy profile image
Evezy in reply to Brownlow


I had my laproscopic hysterectomy done 7 weeks ago and I feel fab! I had a total hysterectomy so both ovaries are now removed. I had it done on the Friday and came home the next day! Unbelievable.

I was started on HRT the next day which proved to be a problem as the pain in my left side continued. My GP was furious that I had been started on it so soon as he said that my body should be totally starved of oestrogen before I start it. He wants me to be totally pain for at least 3 months as I will still have some oestragen lurking about. I can then start the HRT and see what happens.

Pain wise my left side has been a problem, my GP thinks that I have got some residual endometriosis on my bowel so I'm just waiting for my body to completely deplete of oestrogen.

My new find which I can't be without is a magnet that I attach to

my pants over that painful area. I have gone from Tramadol, Paracetomol and Ponstan full dose to nothing in a day! I get the odd twinge but rarely take Paracetomol now!

Check out lady-care.com for this magnet. It's marketed for menapause and period pains and it does mention endometreosis. I don't know whether it would take that horrendous pain away but maybe a lower level of painkiller may only needed to be taken. I was on morphine and Oramorph and I can't help but wonder if I had used the magnet then whether the pain would have been controlled with Tramadol - who knows.

I've had my magnet on now for a week and have had no pain and as I said the odd twinge. But I've not had hot flushes, night sweats or mood swings either. This magnet rocks - well it does for me. Whether it's coincidence I don't care because I'm not taking it off!

I don't know about the Serrapeptase. I suppose I was taking it for 2 months and pain wise I didn't see any effect. My pain just continued to increase.

So fingers crossed I continue feeling brilliant because I know some people a hysterectomy hasn't worked for them. The hysterectomy has been the best thing I've done. So many people can't believe how well I look and have lost that look of pain in my face. I also can't believe how bloated and swollen my stomach must have been as I am totally unaware of my stomach now. I was always so conscious of my midriff before. And what a bonus, I have lost just under a stone in weight!

My heatpad is now back in its box and I'm back to my old cheery self. I hope that you soon get sorted, you have every ounce of my sympathy. Please feel free to ask any other questions. I will only be too pleased to help you with that dreadful disease.


Brownlow profile image
Brownlow in reply to Evezy

Hi Evezy,

Glad to hear you are back to your cheery self! I do hope you are able to keep that pain at bay. The magnet sounds very interesting.

I have just stopped taking the combined pill and want to reduce oestrogen as much as I can. Exercise helps but I came across something that might help you get rid of excess oestrogen it's diindolymethane or DIM. Do some research and maybe ask your doctor.

jmrjmr profile image
jmrjmr in reply to Evezy

Hi Evezy

I also recently bought the blockbuster all clear and I have been using wobenzyme n for a couple of weeks now. I saw you said initially you have to take 12 tablets, is this 12 is for the blockbuster only or a combination of tablets?

I know he has a endo plan with a few other supplements but i've read that the most important enzyme is the nattokinase and serrapertase, so I would start with these. However the instructions on the bottle is 4 a day. I would also be taking the Wobenzyme together with it but since they both have plenty of the same enzymes i would want to balance them out so i wont max out the amount of enzymes (althought i dont think you could, since any amount is safe).

My first two months after the lap was ok, however the pains are returning, but it could be because I discontinued the tablets until after menstration because it can cause heavy flow. However it was still heavy.

I recently started back the enzymes and now starting the blockbuster and im interested in how my caps to take a day for it to be effective.

Also how did the plan work for you? Any luck?

Hope everythig worked out,

would love to hear from you.

PS- (Also used womens best friend capsules and queens delight capsules, the womens best friend are finished and waiting on the new bottle to arrive, maybe this helped with pain and energy as well.)

Evezy profile image
Evezy in reply to jmrjmr


That's wierd I've just had 2 questions about this drug in the last hour! Spooky.

I've just replied to Brownlow in this thread so you can catch up with my super progress there.

Re: Serrapeptase. I don't know whether it did anything. I think I tried it for 2 months and stopped it when I had my hysterectomy. My pain just continued to get worse so I believe personally it didn't work for me. However, I don't know whether if I hadn't taken it whether the pain would have been even worse - if that's at all possible!

Dose wise I can't remember, but 12 per day sounds familiar. I emailed Robert Redfern -goodhealthhelpdesk.com. And he was really helpful and replied very quickly.

I so hope you get sorted. I know exactly how you feel researching everything and everything to get rid of that evil pain. It's so nice to finally say 'when I had endometriosis I tried this and that!'

Please feel free to ask any questions as I know just how desperate that dreadful disease makes you feel.


Impatient profile image

Use the search box in the green bar at the top of the page - this drug has been discussed a few times in recent weeks. Though be sure to type in the correct spelling.

sepprapetase should be Serrapeptase. It should not be taken by anyone with bleeding disorders - so be careful and read up on all the side effect issue and contraindications with other meds before taking it. You might be better to get the full ingredients list and discuss it with your GP as they will have a list of the other meds you might already be on - and can check if there is any risk to those drugs or vice versa, by you starting on serrapeptase.

I've heard of the tablets. They are quite popular in the USA.

The are derived from silk worms and classed as a food supplement.

Please consult your doctor before starting these as they can cause side effects and also inhibit other medications working.

Serrapeptase is claimed to digest non living tissue and has anti inflammatory proprieties. Women have reported a reduction in cysts, deposits of endometriosis and pain.

As I said I haven't personally tried it and would strongly recommend you seek professional advice before taking serrapetase.

Best wishes.


Sheri26 profile image

Hello ladies, I to have just had a lap hysterectomy too.everything except my ovaries. He was also doing excision surgery on my endo in the pod and around Fallopian tubes.

I took the tablets for two months ish, and even though pain wasn't any different, when it came to the op, no endo was found in the pod. This could of been because the previous year I has ablation on this area and it simply went away or possible that the tablets worked, who knows .

I certainly didn't feel any different taking them, and I normally react to tablets (for the worse), x

daffodil profile image
daffodil in reply to Sheri26

I took Serrapeptase for 2 months prior to ending in hospital.I hada very large ovarian cysts which I could feel and see under the skin,which then burst.I also had a big endo flare and a kidney infection.My herbalist prescribed them but told me to stop then immediately ,as the cyst was growing and I thought I would end up in hospital.

The amazing thing was that even though the cyst did burst,when I was scanned there was no debris and also my inflammatory markers in bloods were normal,when they expected them to be through the roof.Like Sheri ,I saw no difference in the pain levels,but something was working to reduce the inflammation?? My herbalist warned that all supplements and herbal meds should be stopped before surgery. Serrapeptase and also omega oils thin the blood so can cause bleeding.

I am still in agony,but am a bit scared to go back on the Serrapeptase.

I asked my Gp before taking and she had never heard of it,just said to follow the directions of Herbalist.

JulesUK profile image

I tried serrapeptase just after my last op. Can't say it helped me really but it's one of those things where you'll never know for sure. I looked up the blockbuster all clear on Amazon as it sounded interesting but if it's the same one it's says it has a soy product in it so I won't be touching it unfortunately. This thread has just reminded me how much money it's cost me over the years trying this and that!! x

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