Does anyone feel flu-like for most of the... - Endometriosis UK

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Does anyone feel flu-like for most of the month?

FightingLikeAGirl profile image
6 Replies

I'd say that 80% of the time I feel either really flu-like, nauseous or just really tired. Does anyone else find this? And if so is there anything to overcome it or make you feel better? Just want a days peace.

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FightingLikeAGirl profile image
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6 Replies
shali1981 profile image

Hi I used to feel like that. Heavy long periods would make me feel horrendous. Add the amount of pain killers I would take and I feel like I have flu 24/7. I spoke to my gp and she tested my iron levels and it turned out I have a deficiency. I began takinh ferrous iron and now all the aches, chills and fluey feelings have gone. (Apart from when I really have a bug) xx

jen789 profile image

Hi Fightinglikeagirl. Sorry to hear that you're sounding so awful. Firstly, I would definitely agree that you should get tested for any deficiencies. I also get this (tiredness and feeling like my immune system is "down") and I put it down to my body being in a fairly constant state of inflammation due to the endo so I've tried to mostly cut out foods that add to inflammation and increase the number of foods that reduce inflammation (there are lots of good books on this). I've been doing this for the past 8 months and it's made a big difference to how I feel. I also take a liquid iron and multivitamin supplement (Floradix) when I start feeling really low.

I also get the nausea (sometimes I throw up too) which the doctor thinks is due to oestrogen in my body releasing in surges rather than in a normal steady way. This has been going on for years now and they've tried me on different contraceptive pills which have worked for a while (Loestrin was good for a few months) but once I've had my lap he's going to look at other options for me. Don't know if that sounds like it might be what's going on for you too but possibly worth asking your doctor about.

LittleMissManx profile image

Hi there

Yes, sympathy from me too as I often feel like I am coming down with a cold or flu and feel dreadful but then the actual cold-such as sneezing, runny nose etc never materialises. Doesnt stop me feeling awful and run down though.

Nausea is another problem that come and goes, some days I can't decide if I am hungry or feel sick as it alternates so quickly :(

As Jen789 suggested above there are supplements you can take to boost your body's immune system. Floradix works well and can be bought over the counter from Holland & Barrett. I found the smell and taste of it offputting but once you get over that you can feel the benefits.

Iron tablets can be prescribed by your doctor who will first want to do a blood test to see if you are suffering from anaemia and it may be worth asking for this to be tested when you are next at your doctor's surgery.

Good luck and hope you feel stronger soon

Caroline, x

esbjorn profile image

Hi there

endometriosis is a disease that causes a chronic inflammatory response by your body. Your body in other words thinks that you have 'flu' or similar whenever there is a surge of inflammation (caused by estrogen surges inducing the growth of endometriomal lesions which in turn releases cytokines telling your body there is an inflammmation occuring). You may want to talk to your GP about NSAID/anti-inflammatory medication to keep the inflammatory response of your body in check. NSAIDS need to be taken BEFORE the pain starts to be effective for both the pain and the inflammation. If your inflammation gets under control you may find that the nausea subsides too.

We are all different and our endometriosis may have slightly different causes. Mine is probably due to a surplus of estrogen in my body as the production of progesteron is subsiding - as I am hitting mid/late forties. I have found that I can cut down on my painkillers and NSAIDs after starting to drink (a lot of/2-5 cups/day) green tea. Apparently green tea cuts down the growth of endometrial lesions outside the uterus - research is still in its infancy but you can search published papers on PubMed under "endometriosis EGCG' . (EGCG is a constituent of green tea which is thought to be an angiogenesis inhibitor).

If I have a bad endo flare up I take a combination of NSAID, paracetamol, codein & anti-histamin. This usually helps for the inflammation, not quite for the pain. Green tea has however significantly reduced the amount and strength of my flare ups.

Wishing you all the best. Hope you have a good rest of the week. ;-)

FightingLikeAGirl profile image

Thankyou to all of you :) there is some really good information in your replies. I will definitely look into a diet that helps with inflammation. I have been tested for anaemia several times and my results have always come back fine, but that was a little while ago now, so maybe things have changed.

I've found I have felt worse since my endo has reoccurred after a laparoscopy two years ago, and this time I have adhesions aswell, which are causing my uterus to shift over to the right, and other parts to stick together.

I would try green tea but I find that caffeine makes me feel extremely sick, and I read that Green tea contains a high amount of caffeine.

I didn't realise the inflammation causes flu-like symptoms, so that's definitely good to know.

Thanks again for your support. Hope you are all fighting strong :)

in reply to FightingLikeAGirl

I think there is something different about the caffeine in Green Tea. Also you could try making Kombucha with Green Tea, the good bacteria consume the caffeine and sugar whilst fermenting and you get the benefit of boosting your immune system with good bacteria and B Vitamins when you drink it. I love it and it's so easy to make. Here's a link Take care. Xx

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