Lap op tomorrow!! Getting more nervous by... - Endometriosis UK

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Lap op tomorrow!! Getting more nervous by the minute....

ellabella1297 profile image
14 Replies

After months of waiting, the day is nearly here but now I sort of wish it wasn't. I have never been put under before and it all seems really scary. I suppose I just have to think it will hopefully be worth it and it can sort out the pain I am in (thats what I am telling myself anyway) Any tips for revcovery??

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ellabella1297 profile image
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14 Replies
hayls profile image


It's completely normal to be nervous, I had a 2nd lap last week and I panicked right at the last minute as I was going to theatre! I would try to chill out as much as possible tonight and take magazines, books, ipad/iPod with you tomorrow to distract you and keep you calm whilst you are waiting - for me that's the worst bit! Also if you tell the nurses that you are really nervous about being put under they will try to help as much as poss, the nurses I have had have all been excellent, particularly the nurses in surgery and its their job to keep you calm!

For recovery, the best thing is to take it slow, don't rush anything but at the same time the earliest you can get up and about, even just around the room, the easier it will be and helps with shifting the gas they pump in you. If you are staying in overnight and its Nhs take some peppermint tea with you just in case you suffer from gas pain, which is by far the worst bit! If private hospital they should have peppermint tea if you ask, my nurse last week was bringing me peppermint tea without me even asking for it so I took that as an endorsement that its the best remedy for the gas pain!

Stimms73 profile image


Please don't be nervous. I've just come home from my first ever Lap (& GA) today and like you I was totally terrified for several days beforehand. As Hayls says, the waiting around is definitely the worst part of the whole procedure! I had my lap at 10am and was home by 3pm. Drinking tons of peppermint tea helps with the gas pain and moving around little and often really helps too. A heat pad for the shoulder tip pain is also worth trying. It really wasn't half as bad as I feared, just keep focusing on why you are having it done and getting some answers. Wishing you all the best for tomorrow. xx

ellabella1297 profile image

Thank you so much for your replies. Im glad to hear its not as bad as I fear. Peppermint tea sounds good and I have some in the cupboard. Your replies have calmed my nerves! Wishing you a sperdy recovery x

Law27_pop profile image

Good luck!! I'm sure it will all go fab! I have for my first one next week so if your up to it please up date us on how it goes and how you feel!!! Take care and rest!!!! Xx

Hi there, I too am having my first lap tommorrow. I am nervous but also can't wait to get these horrible cysts removed and hopefully it will help with the end result of having a baby! I have been advised to drink lots of peppermint tea and try and walk around as quick as possible when you feel you can. It may be an idea to stock up on whole meal foods and orange juice to try and get the Bowles moving as apparently not being able to go is one of the worst things.

I wish you lots of luck and a speedy recovery.

ellabella1297 profile image

Onedayofhope best of luck for tomorrow. Thanks for the advice. Let mr know how yours goes. X

bonygirl1 profile image

Sending you lots of luck for your lap tomorrow, try to relax as much as you can. As everyone else has said take it easy once home but go for little walks, even if its round the house or garden. You will feel sleepy for a couple of days, due to the drugs and eat foods that will help you go to the loo, theres notbing worse than not being able to open your bowels. Keep checking your wounds and clean them regularly, any sign of infection go to your docs. I will be thinking of you and Onedayofhope tomorrow and wish you both a speedy recovery X.

fedup33 profile image

Hi all the advice from the other ladies is spot on I had my lap in feb and I wished people had told me about the gas pain beforehand. My actual abdomen area where the surgery was done didn't feel that sore it was more the shoulder and chest pain from the gas. I panicked as I thought I was having a heart attack but the nurses reassured me it was normal. Plenty of peppermint tea and get up and walk around as I was silly and didn't do that and ended up with a dvt in my leg which has now presented me with a bucketload of new problems. I too was really nervous beforehand but the nurses were fantastic and the anaesthetist told me not to worry as he'd soon sort that out then gave me a cheeky wink whichade me smile. Good luck and I hope you get your endo sorted x

help1986 profile image

Im in recovery at the mo from my 2nd lap, last thurs.get some1 to buy u prunes n figs or sumthing coz I was constipated for 5days! I ate 2cans of prunes n several fresh figs n fruit juices n fibre drinks n nothing was shifting it!! Completly agree with pepper mint tea, u can also get peppermint capsules which help relax the digestive system, good if u had endo removed from outside of bowels, reduces pain.drink lost of water.take it easy! DONT eat anything heavy or large, just small portions,ur in sides will be raw from burning away endo. If ur pain isnt too bad still take it easy, I found wiv my 1 lap that i was ready to do things so started to do little bits round the house n next day i was in agony for good couple of days.

anyway, hope it went well, enjoy the opportunity to just relax and recover!x

Beau83 profile image

Best of luck! It will be fine :o)

I agree with the others- Peppermint tea or capsules or wind-eze tablets for gas pains, prunes/figs/fresh orange juice for constipation or senokot. Take some big comfy pants with you and stretchy jogging bottoms to go home in, and a cushion to place under your seatbelt to stop chafing. Take your own sanitary pads as it's likely you will be bleeding a little, and the ones they give you are the old school bulky ones!

P.s remember to remove all make up, nail polish, piercings and jewellery beforehand

ellabella1297 profile image

Its all over and I am home now, I was first on the list so home nice and early. Wasn't as bad as I expected. My stomach feels like ive done 1000 situps. So happy its over but they said 6 weeks for results!!!

bonygirl1 profile image
bonygirl1 in reply to ellabella1297

I'm glad you are home and that it wasn't as bad as you thought. I am surprised that you are having to wait six weeks, as hayls said, the consultant came to see me after my first lap to tell me what they found and after my second I was told by the night staff everything went well and the doctor came to see me the next day to tell me what they had done. I was also sent a letter letting me know what they had done, so I would defo contact your doctor next week to find out what they found. Take care and rest well X.

hayls profile image


Glad you are doing ok and back home already, rest up and drink lots of water :)

I'm surprised they told you 6 weeks for results, was it a diagnostic lap? I've always had the consultant come and talk to me after, but then if you were first on list and discharged before they finished surgery then maybe that's why. Your consultant will write to your GP a lot sooner than that though so if I was you I would start chasing your GP practice towards the end of next week for details of the letter etc as it will have some detail on what was found or alternatively phone the consultants secretary and request a copy - I had a lap last week and my consultant had already written the letter by the time he came to discuss the lap with me that evening and the letter actually got to my house before I got home but ive also learnt the hard way that unfortunately not all consultants are that efficient! x

ellabella1297 profile image

Thank you so much for the advice. I have a feeling that they didnt find anything and that is why they were dismissive. I will definitely ring late next week. All of your ķind replies have helped so much thank you again xx

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