Hi everyone,
Been reading through for a while but was a little bit in denial.. Been trying to conceive for over 2 years and no joy. I realised I had a luteal phase defect early on as never had osculatory levels of progesterone
The worst thing was intense crippling pain one week before my period and lower back pain constantly.
The first doctor diagnosed a uti with antibiotics and the second decided that I had hormonal related ibs. I was going to give up on my practise but saw another gp who thought it was related (combining infertility and intense pain) and referred me to the gynaecology unit at hospital. I was lucky that I was seen quite quickly and had a lap within 2 months.
I also had a hysteroscopy and tubal latency test on the same day, they found. a fibroid and tubes were clear and they removed some endo from the pouch of Douglas.
But now I'm wary about the time left between the endo growing back and having fertility drugs to conceive. I know I won't get any funding from the nhs (husband has previous children) and e current gp that I am seeing doesn't have another appt for 4 weeks, I can't see another one as the rest of the GPs in he practise dismissed me with my symptoms,
I guess I just need someone to help me, tell me everything will be ok.
It's pretty scary