Hi. Does anybody have any advice on effective pain relief? All I've been prescribed so far is dicofenac which makes not difference to my pain. Has anybody been lucky enough to find something which completely gets rid of the pain? X
Pain relief: Hi. Does anybody have any... - Endometriosis UK
Pain relief

Hey i have not found any pain relief that completely stops the pain but i use co codamol, the strong ones which when i am having an "episode" tends to take the edge off it. More so than others i have tried.If you find one which completely gets rid please let me know!
Only time I have complete relief is in a really hot bath unfortunately it doesn't last but keeping heat in my tummy when I'm out with cuddling my hottie is still best relief all other pills take the edge off but its still there so still searching for something that really helps, as can't live in the bath! I have been taking paracetamol and ibruprofen every 4 hours with codeine on top at night as makes me too groggy to work. I have been on nortriptyline for a month now and had managed to reduce some pills as was more bearable but getting worse now as getting to that bad period time but do think they've helped ease it a little. And have helped me cope with the pain when it is bad too! X sorry I can't be more helpful xx
Hi ladies
Yep if you find something let met know too!
I take 400mg ibruprofen & 30/500mg cocodomol (same strong ones only frm dr); its only thing that takes the edge off so i can actually work. I take northisterine to help prevent bleeds, try to anyway. Evening primrose for aches, headaches & mood - has been lifted. I use a tens machine aswell although quite a bit more than it says on leaflet!!!
Ive been left like this for 9yrs.
FINALLY. Ive just been to see MR PICKERSGILL AT STOCKPORT; hes a ENDO specailist i found online, here & i asked my GP to refer me to him; which she did. He is brilliant - id urge any lady to go seek his opinion.
He took me seriously, didnt laugh at my efforts of diet change, pills & potions, vitamins, he never once dismissed my pain or upset.
Hes going to operate himself no one else, an excisive laparoscopy which ive had pre op just waiting for a date.
A little bit of light at the end of a long tunnel.
In dr pickersgill's words 'you are at the end of your tether!'
Google him.
Good luck!
The best pain relief I have found is the highest dose of Codeine. However I can't drive or do anything on it really as makes me feel rather lethargic and sick.
Reflexology and Reiki has been brilliant and reduces pain by around 60% and lifts mood for a few days! If you can afford to do it regularly I would highly recommend it!
Good luck xx
Amitriptyline!! Its great for nerve pain, really takes the edge off the every day pain. Then I top up with co-dydramol or dihydrocodeine. Same as codeine but it just works better for me.
Amitriptyline dosent suit everyone but id def recommend it it means I can stand all day in work. Now if only I could find something that would do the same thing for this chronic fatigue id be laughing!!
Otherwise ask to be referred to a pain clinic. No actually demand to be referred to a pain clinic.
Hi, this is what I take daily... Mefenamic Acid 500mg x3 a day
Tramadol 50mg x2 every 4hrs
Oramorph 5ml every 4-6hrs and up 5 amatriptolen a night. (That's max doses) when my pain is at its worse none of that cures it so I now believe there is no way ill ever be pain free again! It does take the edge of though. Good luck xxx
Hi this is a copy of a reply i messaged to someone else re their pain, I hope you find it helpful.
Do you know why are you in so much pain? Is it because your body has got used to the drugs? You are on the wrong ones or need another lap?
I think you need an gynae appointment to help assess this.
If you get really stuck, visit a and e.
As a nurse I can tell you you should follow the analgesic ladder principle. That is start with the most basic analgesic such as paracetamol, build up to non steroidal anti inflammatories such as ibuprofen, aspirin, naproxen, mefanamic acid, diclocenac/volterol (only take one of these at a time) then build up to opiates, codeine morphine etc. its important when taking opiates that you take the other drugs on the steps underneath as well for the opiates for the opiates to be most effective (unless a medical reason not too). They all have different jobs, work in different ways to compliment each other. By using this approach you opiate spare which means your body won't require as much opiate. Side effects of opiates include addiction and constipation. Both very unhelpful in endo so important to spare as much as possible. Also if too much opiate is built up in your body it is wasted leading to more side effects such as severe nausea which in turn makes your body less likely to be able to deal with the pain. You may find slightly less opiate or in deed a difderent form than oramorph which has a short half life (meaning its effectiveness is short lived before another dose is required) is more effective. Eg for me i find when my pain is really bad taking 30mg codeine with 500mg tramadol works better than taking 60mg codiene and no tramadol as i get less nausea and less constipated.
I take tramadol for bad break through pain, i find it really helpful but cant drive etc for 14 hours after.
I also love my tens machine which really helped me reduce my meds.
Good luck. You will get there, it really isn't in your head, you could be feeling much better than you are with better medicine management, dont give up there are people out there who can help you xxx
Thank you everyone for your extremely helpful advice!! Lillil - I think my pain is nerve related. I had a lap a couple of months ago and only a few spots were found and lasered off. But since then I have had a different pain now from before the lap. It is further back in my pelvis (where my endo was found) and originates in one places which is achy and then I get like a pressure pin-prick sort of pain in certain points of back in my bottom and down my legs. So seems like maybe nerves have been damaged or irritated from the lap maybe?! Xx
I try to stay away from meds (don't we all!) but when I need them I take 2 dihydrocodeine, 2 ibuprofen and 2 buscopan. The pain doesn't completely go but it really helps, and the dihyrdrocodeine knocks me out so i guess it helps in that sense lol. The others things I tend to use is ibuprofen gel, i find it works better than the tablets and i can't really take ibuprofen orally now due to stomach ulcers, so the gel is a easier way to take it.
I also use a castor oil pack. You apply the soaked cloth to your abdomen, wrap yourself in clingfilm and apply a hot water bottle on top and let it soak in for about an hour. I will link you to a more informative website about it, but this the best thing i use! Just remember not to use it on your period as it can make your bleed more.
Herbs really help me. I order herbs from online and make a tea with them. Mugwort is FANTASTIC for pain relief. Here are some others also: Valerian, Wild Yam, Calendula, Chamomile, Red Clover.
Mugwort is really great it instantly relaxes you helps you feel calm relaxes the muscles in your uterus. It is a very ancient healing herb for women please look it up, you wont be disappointed! xxx