I finished my testing for stage 3A CKD, which was diagnosed in 2015 with a dismissive response by my primary care doctor. (I know, unsurprising, right?)
This year, something changed in my brain, and I decided to figure out what the meaning of this diagnosis and referred myself to a nephrologist.
The more precise tests, delightedly, indicate I’m at stage two, but it has been six months since I have changed my diet, thank you Lee Hull, for the inspiration, and perhaps that was helpful, though, it appears I have gone back-and-forth for the last eight years without attention to the diagnosis that I gave my diet the last six months.
And I learned something new, which will hopefully be decidedly impactful to my numbers. I share today to give you the feedback he gave me, which I think might be helpful.
I was really cutting back on protein and he said I didn’t need to do that, but rather absolutely watch my salt, my sugar, and my uric acid! I didn’t need to make other changes because my other levels are still normal so this is only for people who might find themselves in a similar situation).
Salt can increase risk of blood pressure-terrible for CKD. Sugar can increase risk of diabetes, terrible for CKD. And uric acid, and this one is new for me, which is found in organ meats, beer, red meat, shellfish , colas, and more, are not good for low stage CKD.
So, these are my nephrologist’s recommendations. And, I believe I am in good hands. Knowing what I need to do and doing it has reduced my anxiety. I hope this post helps somebody! Be well!