I've read that some of the common chronic kidney disease supplements doctors recommend include Vitamin D (for vitamin D deficiency), CoQ10 (for heart health), ProRenal+D multivitamin, B6, B12, and others. Wish I knew. Will be asking my neph
Which, if any, supplements or vitamins? - Early CKD Support
Which, if any, supplements or vitamins?

Per Doctor, I am taking senior multivitamin, Vitamin D3, and Omega3. Good checking with your Nephrologist for what is best for you.
You already knew the answer. check with your nephrologist. It all depends. I take Vit D, B6, and once in a while a large dose of B12. All prescribed by my doctor.
I take Vit D and sodium bicarb prescribed. If I feel like I am getting anemic I take a Multivitamin for a few days. I am trying to be Vegetarian but I am finding I can not get enough iron in that type of diet so I do eat eggs and or meat a few days a week.
Vitamin D levels are very important as it helps the body to function. If I remember correctly the kidneys have something to do with producing vitamin D. Too much vitamin D can cause problems also, so it should be regulated by a professional. I'm trying to get Ketosis working to get my weight under control. I'm sort of following the Keto plan but without all the red meat. I have been living on far too much bread. Not helpful constantly being told I don't look over weight. I agree I'm only slightly over but if not acted on now it will be even harder to control later on. Trouble is at the moment I'm carrying a lot of fluid from a lot of arthritic pain. The body puts more fluid in the joints to ease the pain naturally.
I have adopted the theory/ choice to go as hard as I can for as long as I can and to hell with all the meds that get pushed on me. Vitamin D is the only med I take now, without it life gets shorter and more complicated. I stay away from food that the kidneys don't like but other than that I deal with each day as best I can.
I'm trying to prove the saying that only the good die young!

Hi Cheyne13,
Saw my nephrologist Monday & he approved every supplement i asked about, CoQ10, a probiotic & aloe vera (for tummy issues) Also gave me a Rx for potassium because i'm low. Told me i'm doing well AND to eat more because i've lost too much weight on the veggie diet i was following (Natural Kidney Journal) So, i'm enjoying my carbs again (bread & olive oil is my weakness) I'll have labs done in 3 months & we'll see how it goes
Arthritic pain is hard to deal with. HOPE you fare well
I put up with the pain as the last prescribed pain killers killed 15 % of my kidney function in 3 weeks. Hence I no longer bother with any meds. Yes it is painful but it is what it is.
Sadly I react to most medications, nothing that will kill me but nothing that makes me feel comfortable either, so opted out. I have to be careful with my vitamin D as it is peanut based and can give me a mild reaction depending on when I take it. No blood medication, no Cholesterol medication, no IBS medication, no Arthritis medication and no Diabetic treatment. But despite this I feel generally better and still have a little fun on my way.
Once the weight is under better control it will be back to some bread but I won't be living on it again. Two things I really like is bread and potatoes with my butter! Only allowed one small spud now and little if any bread.
Check with your Nephrologist however I take vitamin D and B12 daily.
I DID, Alport67 ...B12 IS important