Hi. I have stage 3 CKD and every spring when I go in the sun, I get a rash all over my legs that looking on the internet looks like Polymorphic Light Eruption. Does anyone else get this and is it connected to low Vitamin D and my CKD? Thanks.
Stage 3 CKD linked to sun allergy? - Early CKD Support
Stage 3 CKD linked to sun allergy?

I am interested in this as well, I don’t get a rash as such but I get incredibly itchy skin if I go out and expose my arms and legs in the sunshine. It gets to a point where they bleed from scratching. My mum also gets a rash and she is also stage 3 like me. I take vitamin D tablets 2000 mg daily and so far this hasn’t helped and I’ve have been taking them for over a year.
This happened to me many many moons ago. It lead onto Lupus (SLE) and CKD. It’s best not to sunbathe in the middle of the day, wear a hat and use factor50+ all over!
. Please don’t ignore this, speak to rheumys or lupus doctors (not GPs) so they can give you the best possible advice as every case is different.
Until you do, keep covered and stay safe from the sun as well as COVID19.
I'm stage 3 and experience similar problems every year for the last 5 years. I get it at the height of summer and had thought it was from fresh fruit over the years, particularly tomatoes, home grown. This year I discovered it was likely from histamine and have been prescribed antihistamine. I take one pill every 3 days and have finally found relief and a solution. Gets me through the itchy period nicely.

Thank you. Doesn’t itch just looks unsightly for a few days!
get checked for Lupus it sounds like you could have it . Wear a good sunscreen like 90 percent . Do not get sunburned. Drink lots of water.