Hey guys I wanted to give an update I when yesturday to see my new kidney dr very nervous and prepared for bad news or news that I wouldn't like but suprisely my gfr when up and my creatine when from1.23 to 1.01 very happy he said my function is better, everything is ok so I'm relax but my concern is that he did told me to change. My bp med to drink varsitan that I have to take it because my protein level is high but not the one that shows on the urine is another kind I don't remember the name but he said that I should start drinking the varsitan is 80 mg. Now my question is will it effect me in some way should I be concern . Can any of u guys tell me btw I use to drink norvasc. I'm really worried about it thankz guys
Gfr when up but change my blood preassur... - Early CKD Support
Gfr when up but change my blood preassure med to varsitan/ diovan should I worried

Hi Jennifer,
Sorry I can't help you on the meds, but wanted to say how happy I am that your GFR went up! Have they tried you at all on Lisinopril? It has helped my protein leaks go down.
Hi, if you are concerned and I understand , double check with the doctor again. My numbers were off done wanted a scan of kidney. I am easily 95% vegetarian and dairy free...unless something slips in. So I had scan, kidney swollen, sent to surgeon...not sure by accident or what. Then kidney CAT skin. I have a 6mm stone in Ureter, coming out tomorrow. I am on cholesterol med which can have correlation. Called doctor, took myself off cholesterol. I do a lot of cardio everyday and weights. Just seeing where my bees go. My urologist absolutely dies not like statins for this reason. So I say be proactive until you get andwers
Thank you, I asked about that one, but it is mainly for high triglycerides. That hasn’t been a major issue because of the cardio and diet I do daily. My other numbers just don’t go along with what I am doing...once I get the baseline in 6 months I will have a better idea.