My gfr is om 15 % already but I dont wan... - Early CKD Support

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My gfr is om 15 % already but I dont want dialysis

jennifer24 profile image
28 Replies

Hi everyone happy Easter, hope everyone is well so I'm already at 15 % gfr and so worried I do want to get in dialysis I want to go straight to the transplants . I when to recently get blood work at my gyno and it should my gfr 15 % but I have a cold and was a bit dehydrated since I drank k 2 bottle of water only. So scare to go to My kidney doctor and him wanting to put me on dialysis I don't want any symptoms thank God just lost weight and feel tire . What you guys think and whats ur advice I would truly appreciate

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jennifer24 profile image
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28 Replies
Dineshwaran profile image

Hi Jennifer. Try to change your diet. Less sodium 0 sugar. And try to reduce animal protein. No nuts. Warm water. Reduce other drink. Take black tea with no sugar. You can add lemon if you want try this and see if your gfr can go to 20 and above in two weeks time. Then you can avoid dialysis and resume a healthy life. Do research online you can get more ideas how to recover. I'm a dialysis patient myself. Had my transplant for 17 years and due to some medication end up in dialysis. But I change my diet and it's improving. If I can hit the target the Dr said no need for dialysis. I can urine again thank to the diet.

jennifer24 profile image
jennifer24 in reply to Dineshwaran

Thanks for your advice but my sodium level is really low I don't eat with alot of salt and just drink water and don't it animal protein as much just 38 grams

Dineshwaran profile image
Dineshwaran in reply to jennifer24

What is the reason for your gfr to go down ? Due to diabetic or high blood pressure? Or Genetic. Once you know the proper reason you can adjust your diet for first step. Then get supplements for iron , calcium and Hb. There is more ways actually. Talk to your dietician they can advise you on your diet according to your blood test. When gfr is 20 and below means your kidney functioning below dialysis is one of the option. Diet is a part of recovery plan. Others depends on you and your will. Don't worry you will find your solution.

jennifer24 profile image
jennifer24 in reply to Dineshwaran

Well I have a kidney transplant that is 23 years old and unfortunately transplant don't last forever even though I'm greatful for mines it's something on avoidable it was going to happen and no I have. No preexisting condition no diabetes or high blood preassure

Dineshwaran profile image
Dineshwaran in reply to jennifer24

I can understand. Well my transplant lasted for 17 years.

Marvin8 profile image
Marvin8 in reply to Dineshwaran

What's wrong with nuts if one has normal potassium and phosphorus levels?

Dineshwaran profile image
Dineshwaran in reply to Marvin8

Depends on your intake. When you are on dialysis. It's is common for phosphorus to increase and end up in para thyroid. A lot of my fellow dialysis and transplant patients suffering. And one of food that increases your phosphorus is nuts not all nots but some does. Even some veggies that has nuts can increase your phosphorus. Everyone is not the same but when you take good care of your diet it will not worsen your illness. Ckd doesn't mean on kidney problems but it is the beginning and if you don't take care your diet next will be your heart.if one has a normal phosphorus can eat nuts and they should eat nuts everyday and replace their lunch and dinner to nuts if your blood level is normal does mean you can eat all. If it's normal means your diet is ok but doesn't mean you should neglect.

Dineshwaran profile image
Dineshwaran in reply to Dineshwaran

Actually this is what normal people thinks. But in truth there is all kind of sickness and illness that waiting to take over

Dineshwaran profile image
Dineshwaran in reply to Dineshwaran

Prevention is better then cure my friend.

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to Dineshwaran

Thank you for your tips . I am CKD 3 but not to dialysis need . Hopefully in the next few weeks we will get all my results so the varied consultants can decide what's best for me to go forward or if any tr4eatment might help . I have more than one problem so what's good for one thing may upset another its about getting a happy medium as I am a pensioner so don't need to be well for work. A couple of symptoms I would like to be better if possible. Take care

Dineshwaran profile image
Dineshwaran in reply to Marvin8

Thanks for asking Marvin. The be hones I lost 12of my kidney dialysis partners in 6months due to high phosphorus and parathyroid.

orangecity41 profile image
orangecity41 in reply to Marvin8

Yes , IMO, and moderation also. I watch my Protein and phosphorus on my CKD diet.

smudge0 profile image

hi Jennifer , my gfr was down at 27 it really worried me , so I cut out all meats , have 2 eggs in morning some days but eat cooked vegetables cous cous and just water , I get a table spoon of protein powder organic it’s the purest I can get for a little protein 2-3 times a week , my gfr didn’t change first week witch was disappointing, but after 2 weeks went to 38 then 47 . Don’t know if something like that might help

jennifer24 profile image
jennifer24 in reply to smudge0

Thank you .... yea i change my diet as well and it work for me I was on ckd stage 3 for 6 years it helps alot but I have a kidney tranplant and was just a matter of time I guess it was going to happen

Bassetmommer profile image

Have you talked to anyone who really knows what your medical history is? You could stay at GFR of 15, or you could be steadily declining. The next group to talk to is transplant center closest to you. Do not expect to just get a transplant. It is a process, and it takes a long time. And you may be disqualified for many reasons. Do not think just because you want to go straight to transplant that that will happen. It is rare.

jennifer24 profile image
jennifer24 in reply to Bassetmommer

Well the doctor told me I could since I have a living donor I already did blood work and other medical test and everything came out normal . My issue is that I don't want to get on dialysis I want. To go straight to surgery that's why I'm asking people at what number or percent they when on dialysis since every one is different and I have no symptoms yet thank God.

horsie63 profile image

This is just me but I'm on hemodialysis and I eat walnuts every day. I do NOT have high phos nor is my PHT high. Every one is different. Get an opinion from a renal dietician as to what you should eat/drink based on YOUR individual lab work. Sorry the web is no place to get medical or diet advice.

Dineshwaran profile image
Dineshwaran in reply to horsie63

You are right.but a website is is a place where we can get knowledge on the condition that we need to take care. It not necessarily have to follow them. We can adjust our diet accordingly. Like this platform we got a chance to share our own experience in a way can help guide others.

jennifer24 profile image

Thank u for advice...

Darlenia profile image

You have good questions. According to your commentary, you have a transplant. So you may want to cross-post this in the Kidney Transplant Community for those there to respond to your concerns. My hubby went on dialysis when his creatinine was 8, his eGFR was 6, and BUN was around 115. After a year on dialysis, my hubby received a transplant. We don't know how quickly his transplant will decline - we assume the age, match, quality of the kidney, and my hubby's lifestyle and medical conditions are relevant in its longevity. And, of course, immunosuppressants are hard on them too. I've run across people whose transplants failed rapidly after signs appears. Others seem to take a good amount of time to fail. I would bring it up with your nephrologist and, in particular, with your transplant team for their views and guidance. On the positive side of this, you have a live donor in place! That's wonderful. Some individuals manage to receive 3 or so over a lifetime. Since you're proactive, I sense you'll slide from this transplant to another without going into dialysis. Keep your interests in mind and stay positive!

jennifer24 profile image
jennifer24 in reply to Darlenia

Thank u...

BabyB23 profile image

There's already so much advice being shared here that I'm not sure mine will be of help, but I currently have a gfr of 12 and have never been on dialysis. I'm hoping to make it to my first transplant without being on dialysis, but that all depends on whether I get a match soon. All that to say, 15 is is low, but it's not necessarily a emergent situation that means you will need dialysis. Not sure what your relationship with your doctor is like, but you could also tell them that you don't want to go on dialysis quite yet and see if they have suggestions for maintaining your kidney function without it, if that is possible. If they're pushing you to go on dialysis you can always ask to get a second opinion--although I know that takes time and money so it may not be the easiest option.

jennifer24 profile image
jennifer24 in reply to BabyB23

Thank u for advice appreciate and I have a question I'm already getting symptoms of ckd stage 4 well honestly I don't know but I did research I get upset stomach and headaches and feel tire do have any symptoms as well because that's concerning me

BabyB23 profile image
BabyB23 in reply to jennifer24

It's always good to bring those concerns to a doctor, especially if they get worse. However, in my experience I did notice that I started to feel nauseous more often as my kidney function declined and absolutely felt more tired. It's hard to say about the headaches, I don't think they increased unless I was dehydrated. I'll also say that I definetely noticed an increase in anxiety as my kidney function has declined and all of the symptoms you've shared are also physical symptoms of anxiety usually. Again, I always think it's good to run these concerns by your nephrologist or pcp, but this is just my experience.

jennifer24 profile image
jennifer24 in reply to BabyB23

Thank u and I will

mmwsmall profile image

Dear Jennifer Sit down take a deep breath and exhale slowly. You are naturally stressed and this can affect your kidney health. You say you have a donor so being on dialysis would only be short term. In the meantime look at yor diet exercise and manage stress. Meditation is a useful tool in managing stress. A very good Facebook group which has reported successes in turning around EGFR is called Plant Powered Kidneys. Also be guided by your healthcare team they only want what is best for you. Finally join a local support group if there is one near you. Good luck

Blackknight1989 profile image

I just wouldn’t expect the results those sites mentioned will tout…I have been sub 20 eGFR for almost 30 years, if fact this year I’ve been CKD 4 for as many years as I’ve been alive as I was with “normal” kidney function…if you take care of yourself, eat right, exercise, avoid those things toxic to the kidneys and have no underlying major cause to further damage your kidneys then you can preserve even such a low function as we have…if you try Kr. Hucksters….err Hull’s amazing diet then it will help it’s just for those of us low stage 4 or nearly stage 5 we don’t see the eGFR bounce (35-47 or 38-46 etc) like some who are stage 3 or higher do…at least I’ve yet to see anyone who adopted the diet bounce like that from the levels we occupy…that doesn’t mean it’s not beneficial just that our damage is worse and doesn’t respond as well…my best to you!

jennifer24 profile image

Thanks for your respond I was in ckd stage 3 for 6 years and diet did worked well Im Bless but unfortunately with a kidney transplant no matter how much u take care of urself eat well and ect... it's just a matter of time u need a new one. Mines lasted and it's still working 23 years later .

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