Well, the sensor that I had used since October 6th failed this afternoon! It had been going in and out a lot more today than it was earlier during the week, so I wasn't too surprised when I got an alarm that said Sensor Failed on the receiver at 3:20 pm.
Before I had the chance to change the failed sensor, I called the Tech. Support and asked a few questions and requested for a free sensor be sent out to me. Of course, the Rep. said that they would send it out and it should be here between 3-7 business days. One of my questions I had asked before doing anything about replacing and removing anything was: Should a person replace both sensor and insert a new transmitter at the same time if the expiration date is for later this month (10-22-2020) or can they wait and do the transmitter on its own the day it's suppose to expire? I was told that " If the transmitter is saying it has to be changed now, then a person should do it then. But if it says in a message that it is not yet completely empty/battery drained, then it can wait for the date it says from 90 days ago". This is good news, since I was worried about wasting a sensor for Friday the 22nd, but now I don't have to worry about it. It can be changed with no need to replace the sensor I just put in today. The only way both transmitter and sensor will be replaced together is if both fail that same day. Each transmitter lasts for 90 days unless it's defective.
More coming soon! Watch this page! Stay safe, happy and healthy!