This evening before dinner tonight, I had to use a new sensor. The old sensor lasted 8.5 days. This is better compared to the other two other sensors I’ve used recently since I started using the new system.
I had been woken up by the alarm early Tuesday morning, but I had a snack and then went back to sleep for a while longer before I had breakfast that day. The system thought I was going under 80 mg/dl at the time. I did a test and I was 99 mg/dl. That would be a good number before eating breakfast, but since I wasn’t going to eat breakfast until later that morning, I needed a snack so I wouldn’t go low while sleeping. That day was really good for blood sugars.
See the picture attached of tonight’s first few blood sugars for the new sensor that was inserted today.
More to come! Stay safe and healthy!😀👍🌈
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3 Replies
Hi Leah I’m glad that sensor was better and good luck with the new one.
Thank you, Hidden for that. I'm not sure why there was any issues early this morning since the receiver is always in the same area that I put it every night before bed, but it alarmed twice after 12 am/midnight saying I was Out of Range. I will have to see what happens tonight since this can't keep happening. The first time it alarmed, I didn't hear it going off.
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