Hi. I'm a 52-year-old who has developed type one at the age of 12 after a flu-like viral attack. Recently I have had my gall bladder removed but the pain has not stopped. After nagging, it looks like my pancreas is the problem. I will start enzymes tomorrow. I'm worried. The pain is so bad that I've been put on morphine patches. Is there anyone with similar problems?
Just looking to see if anyone has had... - Diabetes Research...
Just looking to see if anyone has had similar problems

Hello Cannonjames. It makes me wonder how the body works in the first place. I have been T1 since 1966 aged 3 & never heard of anyone having that type of probs. Lots of heart probs & do really think diabetes tests your body at times. Really good luck

Hi Canonjames ,
What enzymes did your doctor prescribe for you?
sorry this has all be going to spam! its Creon but spoken to my insulin pump nurse and she say its to small a dose 40000 per meal so that is why still in massive pain, but still waiting for referral so stuck on a limb. she has suggested going top A and E next time it get bad.
back three years ago i had what i thought was severe back and stomach pain thought i had eaten something bad also had poop that looked like black tar got so bad went to the emergency room and they admitted right away did test come to find out i had accute pancreatitis caused by medication reaction and pre diabetic the black poop was because i was bleeding . i was in the hospital for 7 days pain was a 11 on a ten not sure if this helps
It might sound daft but I drink Tetley tea that is good for your Immune system. Lots of different flavours but every little helps.