My mom is having diabetes 2 for the past 5 yrs taking medicine rt now Glimmaday2 but I heard that BGR 100 is good n control the sugar so,I would like to know that replacing of Glimmaday2 by BGR is. Is better or not
Diabetes 2 patient: My mom is having... - Diabetes Research...
Diabetes 2 patient

Surely the best control for sugar is to remove it from your diet?
Everyone has to have some sugar/carbs. or the brain and the rest of the body won't function correctly.
First line of attack should always be improved diet, to avoid the pharmacalogical route which invariably treats, controls but rarely ever cures the problem. There's no money in that for Big Pharma. Only long term side effects for you. My type 2 diabetes is controlled by a low carb, high fat diet, often called the Paleo or caveman diet. May not work for everyone but it works for me, and tastes great because fat gives food taste, which has been replaced by sugar by the food processors of low fat products.

Please check out the DRWF website and click on a healthy diet and diabetes. Go to:
Hope this helps!