This is my DEXCOM CGM. It's a nice shade of blue. Ît sure has been a big help to me over night twice so far. My first time needing it, I dropped to 80 for a blood sugar. This is too low for me while sleeping during the night hours. Any questions, please let me know when you can.
DEXCOM CGM Report Week 2: This is my... - Diabetes Research...
DEXCOM CGM Report Week 2

I've never seen one of these machines, is it to monitor blood sugar levels in diabetics? I'm a diabetic and it looks very interesting. The only kit I have is a blood monitoring kit which, is a pain to use because it is rather bulky and a little inconvenient to use when out and about.
TT xx.
The DEXCOM CGM is for blood sugars, but it tests the fluids. You have to test yourself still because you can't just go by what the DEXCOM says. You have to also enter the blood sugar number from your test monitor and calibrate about every 12 hours. If you don't do this, the DEXCOM won't be accurate and your results will be not useful. I test myself 6-7 times a day and enter each result into the Dexcom so that I don't have the Dexcom saying to do the 12 hour updating. So far, this has helped a lot. By the way, this is the DEXCOM G4 PLATINUM with SHARE. The previous monitors for DEXCOM were not reliable. Visit DEXCOM's website. The address is: Please let me know what you think after viewing the website and reading through the information. You can also see a video by Diabetes Danaka (it's on YouTube). Here's the link to see the video. It is:
Dinner time. More later!

Have you gotten an IPhone? I'm told that the DEXCOM CGM will work best if a person uses an IPhone instead of an Android phone.
Thanks for your reply and the video is really good. I'm not on insulin so I don't think I'll be able to get a dexcom but, it's worth bearing in mind should i start on insulin.
TT xx.
You don't have to be on insulin. It basically is for keeping your blood sugar levels under control. Take some time to think about it. Talk to your Endo. and see what he/she says.
Hiya Activity2004,
Thanks for your reply.
I don't think my endo would be able to get me the DEXCOM because he doesn't specialise in diabetes anymore. Where did you get yours from? Can you get it on the NHS?
TT xx.