I had been using Accu-check active Blood Sugar Monitor (for more than 3 years) but the strip cost was quite high (>Rs.20/test). Recently I have switched over to Sugar Scan (Thyrocare) which is quite economical (<Rs.10). After taking more than 10 readings (fasting, PP), I feel the readings are okay. But I request any other boarders comments/experience with this or any other monitor he/she had experienced.
Choosing a good and economical Blood Sugar ... - Diabetes India
Choosing a good and economical Blood Sugar Monitor

Thank you for sharing the details about Sugar Scan and the cost of the strips. The most economical meters that i have come across are those where the strip cost (on a 50 strip basis) is about Rs.18.
I am also keen to know about the availability of glucometers where the strip cost is low without compromising on the quality of testing or accuracy of results.
Nanda Kumar M S
Please let me know from where you get thyrocare glucose stripes at Rs10/strip.I would like to place order on this source.I have thyrocare glucometer with me but the price of the strip is Rs499/ for a pack of 20 strips.
Dear Mr Dharmavaram,
Please see the following link for 100 strips pack costing around Rs.1185 or so..
There is another offer for 150 strips at 1250 or so. You may check on eBay.
Dear Mr Nandakumar,
Thank you for the information .I will contact the party .However the life of the strip as indicated by the manufacturer for a pack of 25 strips is 3 months after opening the box.I am having a stable count of sugar after following diet, exercise and and medication.I check my sugar level once in while or when there is disturbance in my routine.Theses strips last for about 3 months.But for 100 strips unless they pack smaller quantities in number of packages ,I can not consume all of them[ ie 100no plus] within the expiry date.Let me contact the party concerned with this problem.
If I am correct the pack comes in 25s. So you can keep as per the expiry as 25 strips will be consumed in 90 days if you check regularly (which I do - irrespective of whether I have good values or not. This is because Diabetes in unpredictable and there could be sudden changes sometimes.
Anyway I have seen an ad offering 25s for Rs.325.
In fact I had seen an ad for 100 strips of Accuchek Active for Rs.1200/- too.
You may post any development on this.
Best of lucks.
Yes I agree that it is highly unpredictable.I want to avoid too many pricks during every day .though I am following the lifestyle regime of diabetic strictly . I take precaution of checking HbA1c once in 3 months. As long as it is within safe limits i do not check sugar values very frequently during the day.This way I have not experienced any complications due to diabetics even though I have been detected higher sugar level [ to be called Diabetic] more than 22 years. I want to exchange my feed back with you.Thanks a lot for your prompt reply.
I am diabetic for the last 27 years. I am on medication plus Insulin (more of my choice than Doctor's - once in the morning). My HbA1c is less than 7 which is okay but can not get into 'good' (read 6) yet. While HbA1c gives you the extent of sugar action, the variation (highs and lows) also is important for correct maintenance - which means we should aim to have uniform levels (that is, within permitted) throughout rather than highs and lows, which, (as per my understanding) would even out somewhat in case of HbA1c (which is definitely a authoritative test for the sugar control).I test about 5 times a week.
Nandakumar M S