I noticed for the first time that my blood sugar has crossed the permissible limit on 18.8.2012. FBS was 114 and PPBS was 212.My age is 63. Doctor advised medication. But I was not convinced.However I was aware that I am in a prediabetic stage.So I decided to control my life style.Avoided sugar for tea.Instead of rice chappathi at night is my present food.Earlier for midday and night rice was taken.Started walking for one hour in the evening. without fail.Started taking fenugreek juice in the empty stomach daily.My FBS was100 and PPBS was 167 as on 5.2.2013..So for the last six months I have not taken any medication for diabetes.I Used to contact doctor monthly.So he is postponing medication till now.I will visit him in coming April with blood result.I am having BP and cholesterol which are under control due to medication.I firmly believe that taking fenugreek juice daily is the main reason for controlling the blood sugar though changed food habits and regular exercise also helped me in my fight against diabetes.Narayanan.c.s.
using fenugreek: I noticed for the first... - Diabetes India
using fenugreek

fenugreek juice what is it, how you make it
Thanks for your write up.Pl tell me how PPBs test is done at home. What is the method,equipment etc.. Narayanan
In addition to fenugreek, try cinnamon.
fenugreek seeds and cinnamon soaked at night and taken first thing in the morning is an extremely beneficial in bringing down all the parameters.
If you are on insulin, pl exercise caution so that you don't get into hypo.better to note the readings when you start on this program.
Where did u get fenugreek juice please let me know
Many thanks. Im convinced on your suggestion. Will follow exactly as per your routine and will check blood after one month. Hope, it will work.
Fenugreek seeds and cinamin both are beneficial to activate pancrias. they also help to reduce blood sugar.for a long dibetic it not perfect treat ment.You can consume these an addtion to proper medicins.
Rememmber every diabetic patient has window period of remission after which it again bounce backs.so diet control is must.
Any person who had been diabetic for 2 to 3 years or more can not maintain a1c 5.4.
Where did you read it that cellular damage starts at 140?
Wow LCHF diet really works.i have started it and I am amazed with the results.although it is very awkward at starting but the fear that I want to get rid of medicines and its sideeffects motivated me to push forward.i am 38 and on medicine since past 8 yrs.now a days I was almost maximum dose of medicine.like glimepride 4gm,metmorphin 2 to 3 gm and sitagliptin 100 mg .PHIR BHI my FBS 132.i used to have backache and laziness.was not able to sleep properly at night.i allways wondered what to do next.i had dought that definately there is some issue with my diet but nothing convincing proof I was aware of regarding diet plan.once I came across this forum and I got the way....... I salute to medfree for excellent research work he has done to get releif from this dreaded disease.
after 1 week on LCHF Diet by FBS diped to 103 and on these heavy doses of medicines once my PPBS dropped to 82.now its time to lower the doses and if everything goes ok then I wil first get rid of sitagliptin then glimipride .probably I will have to continue on low dose metmorphin or may be MEDFREE...I am feeling nice and hopeful.i do recommend every diabetic to start LCHF to save ur eyes, nerves, kidney,skin and above all healthy life.
wish you all a very very happy LCHF life.long live diabetics.
love you all.jai hind
Thànks medfree I got supradyn tabs and will have it one tab per day.best part is its cost .its affordsble to all and has all required multivitamins and minerals.i will soon stat 300mg ALA once a day.