Dr Walter Kempner ( 1903-1997) was Nazi Refugee in Germany during world war-2, who taught in Dukes University. During 1939, he was treating his hypertension Patients with Kidney failure. Those days there was no kidney transplant , no dialysis....and the patients those days knew that the final outcome of the disease is death....( Even today there is no medication for kidney failure, if there is a donor, then transplant is an option ) .
Dr waltner thought if Low salt would cure hypertension, Low Fat would reduce cholesterol, Low protein diet could cure kidney failure .....if one eats too much protein , it puts a lot of pressure in kidney to clear the metabolic waste such as urea, uric acid, creatinine....
So he devised a food consisting of Low salt, Low Fat , Low protein..and he discovered that Rice is Low salt, low protein, low fat diet...so he chose Rice as staple diet for his patients. Along with Rice , he gave fruits ......so the diet was called Rice fruit diet....
So the 2000 Calori Diet consisted of 5% protein, 3% fat & 92% Complex carbohydrate from Rice. He gave some vitamin B and Iron supplements.
Guess what , out of 200 patients he enrolled, the success rate was 80% Which means 80% people reversed their metabolic conditions....and some of them were diabetes with hypertension & kidney failure...
So much so, he was so convinced about his rice diet that if some patients were not complying , he used to whip the patients....which he confessed before his death.
While many challenged his diet, but he had meticulously maintained all medical record of blood tests, urine, x-ray....which made an impact...today he is no more ...but his Research work is documented in all international medical journals....if you google Kempner rice diet, you will get millions of hits.....
Today this forms the basis of low fat whole plant food diet for all diseases including diabetes ( diabetes is the master of Cholesterol, blood pressure and kidney failure ). Today, Low Fat plant based whole food is not restricted to rice & fruit alone...it covers the entire universe of whole plant food and many plant based food doctors /Nutritionist / naturopath are successfully practising this diet to reverse the metabolic syndrom all over the world.. They pay homage to Dr kempner's for his discovery work on Rice diet research .....very intersting story....
Today, Diabetes in India don't want to eat Rice .....other non-diabetes are also not eating Rice to stay away from diabetes, though they don't mind eating McDonald burger, Domino's Pizza, Samosa, Batata wada, Medu wada, Puri, Kachori, Pakoda, paneer pokoda, Chicken mutton fry/ Briyani ... ...but in reality it is not the Rice which is the culprit....it seems to be the saturated fat and animal protein....which are consumed along with rice ....
Anyway, no takers for Rice in India 😀😀😀.....but there seems to be a big trend of Indian rice becoming a staple diet all over the world ..india exports this year 16 million tonnes of Rice worth 8 Billion USD to the rest of the world...read this article. India is the largest exporter of Rice to the entire world.
This is for information and education purpose.This is not a medical advice.. you may please get guided by your doctor if you have a metabolic conditions.