I've been a Diabetic since the last 11 years. I'm 57 years old and for the last 10 years, I've had good control over Diabetes. I am on Metfornin only. For a year now, my HBA1C has been 8. Please give some advice. Thank you in advance.
It is good tat you consider T2 is under control with medication!
How is your general health.? Do you go for yeye,feet check every year?
What is your diet like, do you watch out for hidden and free sugar in food and drinks you take?
I take it you are looking for input rather than advice?
Thanks Mr. Gangadhar, I prefer only 2 meals a day, 2 full meals a day. One by morning 10 AM & ANOTHER MEAL BY 7 PM, Evening by 4-5 pm very little snacks like ground nuts with tea. I go 30 minute walk in the morning. Morning metfornin 1 gm & evening 500mg same
Take fruits at breakfast and veg food lunch and dinner with salad may lowering your bg level
What sugar free fruits do you take for breakfast?
Guava, cucumber, lemon, apple and sometimes banana. Before mango season my hba1c was 6.4 and after eating plenty of mango my hba1c is 6.5 for the last two months my fbs between 79 to 110
Sweet or sour prefer guava, apple, cucumber, lemon, pineapple kindly note that fructose lower blood sugar level
Thanks Mr. Sandy brown, I prefer only 2 meals a day, 2 full meals a day. One by morning 10 AM & ANOTHER MEAL BY 7 PM, Evening by 4-5 pm very little snacks like ground nuts with tea. I go 30 minute walk in the morning. Morning metfornin 1 gm & evening 500mg same
You have not mentioned about your eye check or foot check!!
Type 2 diabetes is controlled by diet, exercise and anti-diabetic medications. You have not mentioned about diet and exercise. Diabetes can not be controlled by anti-diabetic pills alone.
Reduce carbohydrate diet. You should walk for one hour daily.
Avoid sugar and oil in your diet on order to protect your heart. 68% of diabetic people suffer from heart attack and 15% from stroke.
A: HbA1c. HbA1c is a lab test that shows the average level of blood sugar (glucose) over the previous 3 months. It shows how well you are controlling your diabetes.
B: Control your high Blood pressure, if any. Normal blood pressure- <120/80 mmHg.
C: Control your blood Cholesterol: Normal cholesterol < 200 mg/dL. LDL <100 mg/dL HDL > 40 mg/dL Triglyceride < 150 mg/dL.
D: Diabetic education. Dental check-up should be done in every 6 months.
E: Eye examination for glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and cataract.
F: Foot examination
G: Glucose monitoring. Fasting or postprandial blood sugar may be checked daily and avoid foods that elevates blood sugar.
H: Health maintenance immunization against influenza and pneumococcal pneumonia.
I: Indications for specialty care. Heart, kidney, thyroid and eye should be checked periodically by concerned specialists.
Consult a diabetologist once in every 3 months.
Very good inputs, sir. Thank you for writing so clearly as many times the messages are not fully understandable. You make an extra effort to make sure that it is most useful for the readers. Aprreciate it.
Stick to LCHF.
you are doing fine withHBa1c of 8.get your urine microalbuminuria as a check of your kidney function.
Just add the medicines like, sitagliptine 50 mg or Gliclazide 80mg .
How canyou say it is good control.Your HbA1c was 8. Need to bring down to 6.5 to 7.Talk to Doc.