I am a 65 year old diabetic (first detected in 1988) but, managing it well to my HbA1C level below 6% and B.P. below 130/80 through diet control and exercises. I am walking about 7 Km 6 days a week, gyming for about 40 Mins and taking only multigrain Dalia Coarse broken wheat, bengal gram Dal without cover, Green Moong grain with cover and methi seeds in the ratio of 1:0.5:0.25:0.18 with some green bhujia for my lunch and dinner both. Totally avoiding direct sugar intake, rice, potatoes. Recently I am experiencing in recalling the the names of my relatives, friends or some very common words but this condition does not remain permanent sometimes it is gets normal also. what may be the reason for this condition?
Finding difficulty in recalling the names a... - Diabetes India
Finding difficulty in recalling the names and frequently used words sometimes.

It happens as age advances and there is nothing to worry or there is nothing much you can do about it.Short term memory may decline,but watch carefully,your past long term memories will resurface.You can reduce relying on memory and put every thing down on paper or as a folder on your computer.I keep a note pad and a pencil on hand always.
Don't worry too much kanaujiavijay, most of us in this forum have experienced 'senior moments' when we can't recall a particular name or word, particularly just when we want to. It happened to me yesterday, talking to someone about an author, and for the life of me, I couldn't recall his name. I just let it go, and while continuing the conversation, the name came to me. Importantly, don't get stressed about it because that makes memory recall even more difficult.
I am 72, as we age long term memory and short term memory can be a problem and other things. When I go to the bank I can only deal with two items, some times I need a second visit. Leaving things in the wrong place causes problems with my wife as she is unable to find it and I cannot remember where I left it. There are a lot more!!!!
Hello, you're doing extremely well till now. However age is catching up. But guess age is just a number! Consuming saffron supports brain health, so does walnut. Start playing brain exercising games, like racing games, and even candy crush. Scrabble, monopoly and the likes. Your reliance on exercise to control sugar must be reconsidered now. Slowly one should shift to diet modification rather than excess physical activity. 30min walk twice a day and maybe sm yoga/ meditation should be good for most of us.
In my personal view it is not related to diabetes. Such a phenomenon is age related. It comes to everyone naturally as one grows old. I know it is quite embarrassing at times. With age some of the memory cells in the brain die. I too have similar problem. One need not try hard to recollect at that time. One should leave it at that. After sometime later the name would come to you on its own.
To slow down the process of ageing of memory cells in the brain one should eat walnuts and almond - kernel of two walnuts and about ten almond kernels everyday. In summers one should put the kernels in a bowl of water overnight and eat them empty stomach in the morning before breakfast. Peel of the skin from the almond kernel.
Also exercising brain helps in slowing down the ageing process of memory. Try to avoid calculator in simple arithmetics. Play Sudoku. Solve jigsaw puzzles. Try brain teasers. That would help. If it gets pronounced seek medical help. Proper rest too would help.
I will suggest take Vit B1, B6 ,B12 supplement. Diabetics often have deficiency of these in blood. This may improve memory.I have experimented with my father who was having this at old age.He was diabetic T2. I am also having such problem and often take Nuerobion Forte or any such supplement to improve B1, B6, B12.
It happens. Don’t take too much tension
I'm curious, following the thread.
Which fats are you taking?
If these symptoms suddenly started that got you worried, may I ask as to which food groups have you "ditched"?
I find that older one gets, things get so complicated as some of the previous posters seem to be implying!
It's quite scary, in fact. . .

Human memory, people say I forget or I did not remember to get out of trouble.
As we age brain may not function properly, due to age, food, drinks and medication.
Short term or long term memory.
This is the question; " Recently I am experiencing in recalling the the names of my relatives, friends or some very common words but this condition does not remain permanent sometimes it is gets normal also. what may be the reason for this condition?"
We talk about type 1 and 2, most of the time but there is more type 3,4 and 5!!!
Implying ot not implying we need to look at type 3 ,4 and 5.