'Surgery in a pill' hailed as a game changer for diabetes sufferers: Tablet mimics gastric bypass by creating an armor against glucose - preventing blood sugar spikes.
A new hope: 'Surgery in a pill' hailed as a... - Diabetes India
A new hope
Magic tablets ??? for T2.
How nice a new way for Doctors to get rich/richer. People on average wouldn't need bypass surgery if they ate food that wasn't loaded with salt and sugar. Not alone the high amount of growth hormones and preservatives that we eat daily.
Back in 1820 a man consumed the amount of sugar found in a can Coke in five days! Here he is in 2018. That number of cans of Coke is 15 cans in five days! "Why is that?" Could it be the food makes know sugar is a "drug" very much like Cocaine? Once you're hooked on sweeteners it's very hard to break that habit!
Wait n watch. But not logical. Eat sugar and then prevent absorption. The effectiveness is not sure and side effects are always a concern. There are drugs sglt1 inhibitors / acarbose / sucralfate n gurmar ( gudmar ) which are said to have the same function - inhibition of glucose absorption.