Diagnosed with Type 2 , Sugars under contro... - Diabetes India

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Diagnosed with Type 2 , Sugars under control but symptoms are persitent

Kvmkish profile image
6 Replies


I came across this website many years back as part of my work in healthcare research and felt really happy at the support this group provides but never imagined I would be part of this group. Well Life is unpredictable.

I'm 36 and I have been overweight for almost 10 years now mostly around 103 kgs. But in the last couple of years I put on more weight and was at 123, the beginning of January. I have been getting a health checkup every six months for last 5 years. Six months back my FBS was 104 and ppbs 200 and HbA1c of 5.6. The doctor warned me that i have to exercise and lose weight or else I will be put on medication after a month or two. I didn't take that seriously and this Jan I felt dizzy and checked my RBS at home and it was a shocking 586. I rushed to hospital and they performed the tests and my Hba1C was 10.6. I went to a diabetologist and she too was unable to explain how I shot up from 200 / 5.6 to 580 / 10.6. She said it must be stress and put me on medication [Amaryl 1 mg and Gluconorm 500mg - Both twice a day].

It has been two months I have been checking my sugars every alternate day as per the format given by my doctor and a week back when I met her she reduced the medication slightly [half the dosage at night]. I really am confused with what is happening and very scared about all the diabetes complication I have been hearing about. I have aggressively been on diet from a dietitian and also doing yoga. In the last two months, I have lost around 8 kgs. I have got a whole routine done and all doctors have cleared that I don't have any complication as of now. While my diabetologist is confident that if I lose weight I would be perfectly normal, I'm still concerned.

My job has always been very demanding [Sales], so I have even taken a decision to quit and move on to something simpler for I realized numbers matter :) . Sorry for all the cribbing so here are my questions:

1. I have chest pain that improves with exercise. I met a cardiologist who did an ECG and said I'm perfectly normal but sometimes I get really worried. What should I do.

2. My left hand and leg always have tingling sensation especially after I drive a two wheeler. I commute for almost 3 to 4 hours a day. i mentioned this to both the diabetologist and cardiologist but both ruled out saying it must be fatigue because it is too early for any diabetic complications like nueropathy or cardio vascular. Should I be worried

3. Is there anything called diabetes reversal or I should prepare to live with it

4. Does diabetes mean the end of being a foodie... Will I ever be able to eat a buffet or take my kids out for icecream or travel around the world tasting and trying new food.



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6 Replies
Praveen55 profile image

Hello Kvmkish,

First of all, stop worrying because that is not going to help you in any way. I believe everything is going to be all right with you.

Now regarding your questions. Your Cardiologist and Diabetologist have already answered your first two questions. They have come to the conclusions after conducting tests and therefore you should trust them. I fully understand you may be going through too much stress resulting in these worries. Try to be positive and do relaxation exercise. I believe you are already doing Yoga which is a very good step.

Diabetes Reversal: Yes, there is a term called diabetes reversal which can be achieved by dietary and lifestyle changes. However, if you go back to the old lifestyles Diabetes is most likely going to come back. You have to maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to keep your blood sugar number in the non-diabetic range.

Diabetic Diet: If your question is end of junk food, the answer is yes. As a diabetic one should not go back to junk food. Having said that, there are much more healthy and tasty options for food that you can enjoy. It is wrong to assume that diabetic should remain hungry. In general, diabetics take good care of their overall health and lead a better quality of life. We call Diabetes 'blessings in disguise'.

Spend some time learning about diabetes and effect of diets on blood sugar.There are lots of information on our website. Use search function to find the information.

Would you like to share with us what is your current diet?

Luckysugar profile image

Dear Kvmkish,

A warm welcome to this forum where you can address your concerns and questions on diabetes just like me and other members. As a younger individual, you have a huge chance to have a better control of BSL and with your knowledge, understanding and a determination to battle against your diabetes. A lot of diabetics are taking this condition for granted and are ignored to do their best and effort to reverse their elevated BSL. Some are more alert and self-motivated to control their BSL with strict diet and exercise especially those younger people. Being overweight over a decade, is not only leading you to diabetes but would definitely harm your general health.

Fortunately, you have made a right decision to get helps from health professionals as well as losing some weight in the past two months. Well done 😀 Please carry on whatever physical activities you are doing until you have reached a healthy weight, together with the right diet which pretty much a low carb diet with the right glycemic index/load and right quantity and the right time. These lifestyle changes should bring you positive outcomes of your BSL control. Please keep in touch with your doctor (s) for routine blood tests and in case of medication treatment/review.

You seem to be very worried with your health conditions which is good and common to everyone else. However, being too worried and stressful won't help or make things better. A wise, discipline and patient act is what you really need. Each diabetics can definitely live their life with happiness and in good health as long as they maintain their healthy lifestyle that is required for them to normalise their BSL. It's really up to you to make this happen. All the best 😁

Cochin_ali123 profile image

Don’t worry dear. Buy Apple Cidar Vinegar. Drink it 1 teaspoon daily mixed with a glass of water Test after 1 week, you sugar wil become normal. Not only that your weight and heart problem will also be solved.

Hamdaan profile image

Try to loose 5 % body weight I first phase than another 5% body weight

You will see hba1c coming down drastically

Maintain NORMAL BMI u can search on google about bmi

All this will help u more than anything

Trust me even im diabetic my hba1c was 12.2% and now it's 5.6% and I lost 12 kg weight from 69kg to 57.2kg as on today

Try to be more active drink lots of water in small sips

That's all best of luck have blessed life

dhini profile image

I know its painful, but you have to move on and say goodbye to those "Sweet Friends" . I was in a pre-diabetic state ( 115/160) 4 months back. But now back to normal with 5.5 HBA1C with 95/130. Its a tough decision to take, but good for a better future. Its not only good for diabetes but also good for your overall health.

The biggest culprit is DIET(carbs) and Exercise. You should always watch over those.

whatsinaname profile image
whatsinaname in reply to dhini

Diet has to be watched for sure. Exercise is not as important as diet.

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