Is 20+20+60 carb,protein and fat diet a high fat diet ? Is this diet advisable for diabetics with cardiac complications ?
How high is high fat in diet?: Is 20+20+6... - Diabetes India
How high is high fat in diet?

Good question .
Depends on whether you are attempting a ketogenic or low carb diet. A keto diet means less than 30 gm of carb + 0.8 or 1 gm of proteins per Kg body weight and rest of daily calorific needs coming from fats. Use 4 cal/gm for carb and proteins and 9 cal/gm for fats and do the math using the average cal/day requirement to find out the fats.
If it is low carb increase the carbs to upto 50 gm and even 100 gms and repeat the above calcuations for the fat content.
Please consult the doctor before you venture down this dietary road ! A keto diet may give you some unpleasant side effects. I tried keto but was perfectly fine and got my diabetes under control within 3 days (however, I was already experimenting with meals of complex carbs and fresh foods already). Of course it goes without saying that i am out of medication.
Off the mark response.
The 60% fat is not high enough for diabetics. Which is why in my earlier response I suggested the ketogenic or low carb diet where fat goes as high as 80-90%. This diet can increase your LDL cholesterol. However, the HDL also increases and the increase in LDL is the large fluffy type (which is ok).
Do you not think ,it is a very low protein diet if fat goes to 90% ?
If you consider 2000 calories per day and then reduce the calories for 30 gm carbs and the calories for proteins (0.8 gm/kg body weight) you will arrive at fat requirement of 83%
For an average sedentary person your calculations might be ok, but for an active person ,protein requirement is much more, depending on the quantum of physical work. So proportion of fat will correspondingly be less.
Before i continue further please clarify if you are a) the person with diabetes/cardiac complications or helping somebody with these issues or b) interested from a academic perspective ?
As i can notice that you have shifted the discussion away from diabetes/cardiac issues to discussions on energy requirements for active/sedentary state.
It was you started-discussing energy requirements. Please join the main topic with gainful suggestion and/or experience.
Ok, let me summarise my views like this :
20+20+60 carb/protein/fat is not a high fat diet, for diabetics. Here the carbs are high enough to raise blood sugar levels before insulin is produced. More insulin leads to fat deposition rather than fat burning.
Cardiac complications is a very broad topic. Diabetics are prone to cardiac complications due to high blood sugar level among others. This is another reason to keep carbs very low, as the diabetic's body is not efficient at controlling blood sugar level
Coming to protein requirements, RDA is 0.8 gm/kg body weight for normal male. It can go up to 1.4 - 2.0 for active persons, but then the daily energy requirements also go up from 2000 to say 3000 calories. So if you do the math, the contribution of carbs/proteins will again be in the range of 10-20%.
Basic concept is to keep carbs to low levels, take proteins to manage body's requirement for building repairing tissues and fats for energy requirements.
Of course one should tweak the percentage so that overall health is mainatined (eg: carbs contain minerals, anti-oxidants etc so carbs are also essential).
great. But can you achieve NK without cutting down the total calorie intake?
Sorry for the late response. I have not measured ketone levels in the body, but NK is about the diet composition which makes the ketones the predominant fuel, by restricting carbs. Fasting also induces ketosis, because carbs are restricted (along with all foods) and body is forced to rely on the body fat stores - which is why intermittent fasting is very useful.
Yes and yes.
Any supporting evidence,any papers or any reference ?
HIGH FAT LOW CARB DIET is. like that. I practice that .Today I wanted to check whether by taking rice of 100 grams my sugar increases or not.My PPBS suger was 190.Normally my suger is around 125.So any body telling what not I am firm that LCHF works and surely works.Only it require determination.You can live long with minimal drugs with minimal complications . thanks.
do you feel that you can make this diet a lifetime change with out any idea of going back .