How much carb is high carb ?: There is a lot... - Diabetes India

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How much carb is high carb ?

patliputra profile image
28 Replies

There is a lot of discussion on high and low if fat is to be restricted to 10%,proteins to 10-20%. Then 70-80% is carb. Is it high carb low fat diet ?

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patliputra profile image
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28 Replies

yes . 60% carbs , 25 % proteins , 15% fats , is an ideal combination for health . There could be little variation ,this way or that way depending upon the individual preferences or health requirements.This does not amount to high carb . Any food habits depend upon the climate , habits , traditions availability of the produce in a particular region , and season . What is good to people of Antartica or sahara or even Himalayan region need not suit to other climatic regions.With globalisation everything has become globalised including food habits which is the triggering cause of all autoimmune diseases .Any fruit or vegetable taken during the season is good for health .If taken during out of season by producing through artificial measures does not contribute to health . That is the golden rule .

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to

You are very logical. Impressed.

in reply to patliputra

Nice Narrative.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to


i have a different view. Very different. As far as we D are concerned carbs should be as low as possible just enough to prevent pathological KA. It's between 50& 100g per day. That too low GI foods.

Well for non D people also carbs should be restricted. They also should take around 100g per day with good fats and protein. By the way swasthy who has set up 60/25/15 c/p/f limits and how have they come to that conclusion? recent studies show that carbs are responsible for inflammation anywhere in the body. Good fats and veg fats are not so harmful as carbs. Sooner or later the medical world will have to revise their diet policies.

in reply to suramo

Yes , sooner or later medical researches have to change their stand . The ratios are not given by any body in particular but they were followed by common man and people were quite healthy till the end . Prevalence of diseases was not at this epidemic level .Then changes brought by the world war 2 in the socio , economic, religious fields , with subsequent changes in the life patterns and life styles , prevalence of junk foods , high intake of white and highly polished rice , stress and strain in general & unhealthy competition in life , nuclear families all contributed for diabetes as well as cancers of various types . At the cost of being branded as repetitive , I have to say that diabetes is not because of high carb food but because of excess food and indiscriminate eating habits .

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to


"I have to say that diabetes is not because of high carb food but because of excess food and indiscriminate eating habits ."

Nobody says D is because of high carb food but we all have to accept fact that we are poor metabolizer of carbs. Carbs are harmful to our body and we must restrict carb intake in quality and quantity. Low gi food in limited amount.

Again basic defect is with beta cells and the detrimental - precipitating cause is unjudicious use of food.

Well. Our life styles have changed. We used to work hard. Walk a lot as there was very poor transportation facilities. Junk foods have come into vogue very recently. We need to change our diet pattern.

in reply to suramo

The destruction of beta cells could be due to mutation also , which could have been caused by the depletion of Ozone, the atmospheric changes with the increased radiation levels , poisonous gases and environmental pollution. I don't have scientific background and so I can't give the exact details and evidences for my views .

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to


may be but when the D runs amongst kins we have to think of genetic factors. The mutation caused by IR rays are more responsible for cancers and skin problems. Pancrease is situated deep within the abdomen and fully protected from environmental insults.

"I donot subscribe to the theory of carb intake and poor carb metabolism ." Well i don't know how you look at D if you say the above sentence. I would surely like to know your views on D and its management.

in reply to suramo

For all the arguments about food , whether it is veg or non veg or vagan what is answer for the deficiencies caused by the intake of food items which are deficient in nickel found in legumes and cereals , copper found in in pastures & animals and zinc in greens and animals? When we take these foods naturally we get the deficiencies . Take the cases of phosphorus deficiency , sulphur deficiency ,magnesium deficiency ,calcium deficiency ---- all these deficiencies according to me , go in to our system when we take that food since Food is the nourisher . All these deficiencies in food products are caused by the over feeding of fertilisers .Fruits could be having magnesium and calcium deficiencies .Thus they are not giving the required nourishment.On the other hand fruits increase visceral fat .

jingale profile image
jingale in reply to

Fertilizers cause nutrient depletion in grains, fruits, vegetables? Any study to support this?(not a rhetorical question)

in reply to jingale

ALL that came in news papers for any one who cares .

in reply to suramo

But where are the good fats ?If a person with highly active life takes 100 gms of carbs per day how can he get energy . The obvious answer is from fats , which is totally false notion . Carbs are not responsible for inflammation . OK , LET US AGREE TO DISAGREE and time will tell what is right or wrong .

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to

Yes. Let's agree to disagree. But do you agree that we are poor with carb metabolism so that we have to restrict our carb intake be it low gi or not? Well there are fats mct and sct which are not stored in the body and found in vco, palm kernel oil, home made ghee made with traditional fermentation.

in reply to suramo

I donot subscribe to the theory of carb intake and poor carb metabolism . I totally believe in the causative factor being pollution and adulteration in food , air , water and sound .Where ever we live , we don't get pure air or water or food . Unless that gets corrected , more and more people are going to be afflicted .with diabetes and cancer .

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to


well you have all rights to believe whatever you want. There is something i just came across and i think you should know. May or may not believe.

Well i don't agree with you that we are not getting pure water, air and food.

in reply to suramo ?

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to


in reply to suramo

means I don't go by the findings of

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to

Diet of most Indians specially in rural areas consists mainly of carbohydrates and only a little percentage is afflicted by diabetes. So there must be factors other than diet responsible for the occurrence of diabetes. Pollution may be one of the factors but not all. For example stress and strain,adjustment problem in life reckless and fast life style, lack of sleep and change in sleep pattern.

in reply to patliputra

Rural India is exposed to all the factors which are responsible for epidemic of diabetes as much as urban India . May be at slightly lesser degree .Courtesy political interests , tvs and network facilities are available in most of the places which educate them about every thing .So external factors are very much a part of their life .As far as the question of poverty is concerned , to day , the poor are urban lower middle class people , who struggle to meet both ends .It is not an exaggeration . This is not an opinion but a survey report.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to


you guys are talking of stress as the cause for D ! Well i don't agree. On the contrary we are living safe and luxurious life. Much more stressfree than the ancient people used to live. They had a stress of right from getting food to the safety of life from vultures and other humans. The fashion of turban and lathi are the example that these items are for safety.

in reply to suramo

all are entitled to entertain their own views.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to

Yes. Let's agree to disagree. But do you agree that we are poor with carb metabolism so that we have to restrict our carb intake be it low gi or not? Well there are fats mct and sct which are not stored in the body and found in vco, palm kernel oil, home made ghee made with traditional fermentation method. Well if you are fearing fats we should also consider reducing our total calorie intake to overcome IR. That should be done by cutting cabs if you agree.

MikePollard profile image

It certainly is!

Good luck in trying to control T2 diabetes with that regime - generally known as the SAD diet - Standard American Diet - the one advocated by most governments, agriculture, food and pharma. All with a hand in your pocket and ruining your health whilst reassuring you that your disease is your fault by being a sloth and a glutton!

High carb DIET need not necessarily be a diet of sloth or glutten . In maintaining ideal weight , we still can take high carb , proportionately reducing the over all quantity.

Moderation in impartial and impersonal view .

ha ha ha

patliputra profile image

It's growing but still there is a gap in completely rural areas. Story may be different in semi urban areas.

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