HI , Exactly Month Before I was diagnosed for DM2 @Hba1c @11.2 - , doctor prescribed METFORMIN after much research and reading This FORUM I stooped Medicine after 4 days and stared Diet and Life change .
Now its almost 30 days and just for curiosity went for HBa1c test and I got report -- Showing 8.1 as HBa1c and Random Blood sample @ 99 .
Please, tell me AM I moving in the right direction with Diet and no medication ? How you read this figures ?
First Readings on March 1st :
Fasting : 215 , Post : 251 HBa1c : 11.2 Mean BG 258 ,Urine : 4+
Now readings on May 1 st :
Fasting: 103 ( Accu check) , Random :99 ( lab reading ) , HBa1c :8.1 Mean BG @183 ,Urine Sugar : NILL
As I suggested by readers here , I still intake lot of CARBS compare to LCHF standards and I do 30 Mins Walk morning and 15 Mins walk in Evening
Am I doing good or is there still space to improve ? Am I taking chance by going without medication ?
and here is my 15 days BG CHART .. and maintained Excell sheet with avg HBA1c Calculation Currently @6.32 ( approximated Daily Avg, calculated based on 15 Mins Meter reading for two days and calculated against 4 meter readings )