Hi. I am niru82. I've been diagnosed as diabetic on 31 December 2016. My fast blood sugar is 375 and pp is 525. Please suggest a solution for me.
Diabetic : Hi. I am niru82. I've been... - Diabetes India

You are running at very high blood sugar!First of all meet a specialist doctor and take medicines as per his prescription till your blood sugar comes under control.Secondly,cut carb from your diet and add natural fats to it.Thirdly,change your life style.Remember-diet and life style are keys of diabetes management.For more information go through old posts.
i was diabetic not i am diabetic
if interested read this
during the month of august 2016 i was diagnosed for diabetes with 600 ppbs and 320 fbs and 12.2 as hba1c docter suggested me to be on insulin through out life i thought of committing suicide(since i never expected this to be in my life) but i took a decision that i should fight back or die without medicnes i changed my life style my food habbits and never took medicines till today i am now 5.6 hba1c 100 fbs 120 ppbs ( nearly ) i am prof venkatramaiah from bangalore india i have not followed allopathy not homeopathy not even ayurveda friends there is no need to be panic beleive in yourself and fight back it is not impossible 08762168371
Hello niru82 and welcome to the Diabetes India forum.
First of all, do you have diabetes type 1 or type 2?
What is your HbA1c?
Are you overweight (see this site to calculate your Body Mass Index nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educat... )?
Are you exercising on a regular basis?
Are you following any diet?
The site of the Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation has a number of leaflets over diabetes that you can download to get some basic informations about diabetes ( drwf.org.uk/diabetes-leaflets )
After 8 days metaformin course 500 level comes down 225/328
Niru82..... continue your meditation unless your HBA1C come down 6.5....and also act on LCHF diet plans. Plz