Can I use wheat or wheatext flour?
Please answer me.
Can I use wheat or wheatext flour?
Please answer me.
Please provide details!
U seems always pessimistic the optimistic reply is below
Dear bijoy ,Without knowing details,how any responsible person can give him appropriate suggestion?
Do you know
i)He is diabetic or not?
ii)What is his diabetic history?
ii)What is his present health condition?
iv)The type of wheat he is asking for?
iv)What is wheatext?
If yes then please reply him!
Judging others is very easy job for attention seekers.
The person who have given optimistic reply (according to you) is probably unaware of carb content of general wheat.
Yes, You can use it. There will be less carbohydrate as compare to other food.
to an extent you can use