I don't understand photo send by Dcvm of long wheat ....long wheet means jao in Hindi lakin us par chilka hora hai lakin in this photo ASA koi chilka nahi dikhta hai please clear
Long wheat : I don't understand photo send by... - Diabetes India
Long wheat

As far as I'm concerned, and I have little interest, long wheat is probably an old variety grown before the modern short varieties (that are able to withstand storm/wind damage) became the norm. Nothing to do with the size of the grain kernel. Again, probably better than the modern varieties (see Wheat Belly:
Nonetheless a really, really bad idea if you are looking for the easy route to controlling your diabetes.
The starch it contains WILL BE BROKEN DOWN TO GLUCOSE.
Any argument?
Dear MikePollard,
You appear to be quite an intelligent, energetic and a well-read person. This is my sincere appreciation though I do not have the gift of a capable and efficient writer. I also do not know whether you are a medical professional or not.
However, you will agree that 'pronouncement of judgement' prior to investigation is like 'living in everlasting and the most condemned darkness. Shooter George is himself a senior scientist in a particular field, thereby meaning that he is a systematic, scientific and truthful investigator and reporter. It looks like that by some chance he has searched out a treatment which appears to be a cure for diabetes-2 at least. You will be doing a greater service to the humanity if you exhort the medical and scientific community to research and find the ingredient in the 'Long Wheat' which is capable of curing diabetes in spite of all the 'Carb' in it.
Dear @MikePollard,
There is no doubt about the fact that the starch contained in LW (as much as Common Wheat or Rice) will be broken down to Glucose. That is why BS increased during the first biweek of the scientific study ( appropedia.org/Diabetes_mel... ).
During the second biweek of the study LW began to work & that is why BS remained almost steady during that period.
During the third biweek LW began exhibiting its might.
I eagerly await your learned & valuable comment on the study result.
Jao is not long wheat. It is not grown in north and north east India. Hence no Hindi name for it.
As per the article I read Long Wheat is Jau Gehoo the various other name are as below
01EnglishGlobalSeveral countriesEmmerWheat
03MalayalaMKeralamIndiaSoochigoothamb (script)
04MalayalaMKeralamIndiaSoojigoothamb (verbal)
05TamilTamil NaduIndiaSambagodhumai
06TamilTamil NaduIndiaChambagodhumai
07TamilNagercoil TNIndiaOosigodhumai
11aTeluguHyderabad, Erstwhile MakkaGehunkashigari
13bMarathiSolapur MaharashtraIndiaJadGehun
15BengaliWest BengalIndiaSujighav
16HindiDelhi, U P, Bihar,M P, H P, Haryana IndiaJaughehnoo
19BengaliWest BengalIndiaYob??
19aBengaliWest BengalIndiaLalGam
22Punjab, Haryana and RajasthanIndiaJaviKanak
25Madhya PradeshIndiaDoudkhaniWheatGospi I think LONG WHEAT is "Doudkhani" wheat of M.P.
26Kashmiri (?)Jammu & KashmirIndiaSharbathiKnak (or Kanak)
If not Jao what is it ? there are two variety of Jao another is indraJao which generally used for Puja purpose.
This long wheat is grown in some parts of maharastra,AP,Tamilnadu and some parts of kerala only.Hence it is easily available in those parts of India.whatever variety of Jao ,it is barley.
Jao is barely.
There is at least one word in Malayalam which has different meanings in different parts of the same state, Kerala. The word is CHAADI. In Calicut (north Kerala) it means "threw away" where as in central & south Kerala it means "jumped". Likewise jao in Delhi may be Long Wheat & in other places may be barley.
Anybody in this forum from Gujarat please suggest where available in Vadodara Gujarat and which name?
When shown the unbroken LW one colleague from Delhi said: "ye jao hae, we make Daliya with this". This is my reference.
I do not feel bad or disheartened when people criticise/ridicule/reject my experience becauseAlbert Einstein has said "if at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it".