Hello Mr. George! I too wanted to know if this is long wheat. Kindly help.
Long Wheat: Hello Mr. George! I too wanted to... - Diabetes India
Long Wheat

Name of long wheat is samba wheat
Long Wheat is name in Indian English, Samba Godhumai in Tamil (as understood from others). Please see at appropedia.org/Diabetes_mel... Name in different languages
What is the use of long wheat in diabetes.
@kkgarg1957, Please see the response of @saxenaen below and my posts in this website.
George Sir
These days my eye vision went poor and my doctor suggested me for sugar level test, my fasting sugar result is 110 which drives me crazy and doctor confirmed that i have type 2 diabetics and my metabolism is very slow due to type 2 sugar,
recently my uric acid level went up to 8 mg and i am having joint pains some times i can't walk even, my age is 41 years.
please suggest me that how to use long wheat to control my type 2 and metabolism, may god bless you a very long and health life.
Thank you so much sir,
Hi naturemedicine,
First you read post at healthunlocked.com/diabetes... ---MY POST 16 (Dec 12, 2013) to see whether you are drinking sufficient water & if not, to take sufficient water. It may solve the Uric acid problem.
Then read the following sections & one or two sections below those, of my online article LWMDR appropedia.org/Diabetes_mel... LWMDR
appropedia.org/Diabetes_mel... Pictures for comparison, Preparing LWM
appropedia.org/Diabetes_mel... Recipe (algorithm) two.
appropedia.org/Diabetes_mel... mode of operation
appropedia.org/Diabetes_mel... Caution
Please feel free to ask if you have doubts on these.
Yes this is Long Wheat. Its very effective treament as discovered by Mr George Sir. After use this my BS level never gone above limits. As my observation my BS are always near about 100 with after 2 hours lunch & after 3 hours my BS level always near by 90. Sometimes on occasion I eat 1 piece of sweet / or one bowl halwa but BS always in control when i checked. Once again thanks to god and Mr George Sir.
@ George Sir I am very busy these days of my relocation ( JOB Change etc). I will submit my reports after one more month.
Thanks to George Sir.
After deep search of Long Wheat I can't fond in Pakistan, though I visited many shops all of say it is barley, if any one help me.
It is not barley for sure. Please see this picture healthunlocked.com/diabetes... ---MYPOST 12, Long Wheat, Barley & Ordinary (common) wheat together.
After deep search of Long Wheat I can't fond in Pakistan, though I visited many shops all of say it is barley, if any one help me.
Thanks cscon for your kind reply, I not count carbs as you know indian recipes and paksitani recipes are nearly same, but I care my diets, today my BSF was 67.
Yes this is LongWheat.