COCONUT OIL: Cooked Coconut. I was diagnosed... - Diabetes India

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kalukaluojiewu93 profile image

Cooked Coconut.

I was diagnosed with diabetes early this year. I used to cook a lot with coconut. Could this be the reason? Isn't that as good as virgin coconut oil?

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kalukaluojiewu93 profile image
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18 Replies
shrisamarth profile image

Coconut can not be the cause for your diabetes.

cure profile image


Sir wish to know more about following lines....

There are some instances, however, where a food has a low glycemic value but a high insulin index value. This applies to dairy foods and to some highly palatable energy-dense "indulgence foods." Some foods (such as meat, fish, and eggs) that contain no carbohydrate, just protein and fat (and essentially have a GI value of zero), still stimulate significant rises in blood insulin.

MikePollard profile image

Coconut oil is one of the best of fats. It contains medium chain fatty acids, and in that respect is one of the fats highest in MCFA. It CERTAINLY didn't cause or contribute to your T2. However, what you cooked in it almost certainly did.

sezal profile image

any study or evidance of your comments ?

How can oils / fats have carbohydrates..?

Where you have purchased the coconut oil? please refer the packet contain in the bottle or container and post the same. Mostly no oil contain either protein or carbohydrate. Oils contain only Saturated fat Mano unsaturated fat and poly un saturatd fat and some of them may be trans fat.

Except trans fat all oil is good

Please share different oils nutritional facts in this forumallthe members will see the actual nutrition in oil.

in reply to

Good idea

Hondaetios profile image

I take one tea spoon of Virgin Pressed Coconut Oil Raw every morning for the last 2 years,It is very Good and reduces Cholesterol and triglycerides.

Please go to GOOGLE and find out the benefits of VIRGIN PRESSED COCONUT oil.

suramo profile image


that's a no ball. But great.

suramo profile image


You are totally wrong. What you are quoting is our anup's favourite 🐒🐒😜😜🙏🙏 ada/aha/ama belief. The world has moved forward a lot. Please update your knowledge. First you be convinced and then only you will be able to convince others - your friends and dear ones.

I have lost 10 kg in last 3 months with grain free diet and lots of vco, evoo, cow ghee and homemade ghee. I'm not doing any exercise and have a sedentary life style. Controlling D with lots of butter and good quality fats. Sfa in vco, co, evoo and ghees are not bad.

So what you believe is wrong and please you may not be able to help others but don't misguide people.


Ashka9 profile image
Ashka9 in reply to suramo


Your weight is reduced due to reduced amount of grains and not fat intake. Grains....all grains and cereals increases weight. Less grains you take or even grainless diet will keep your BMR to minimum required. My experience.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to Ashka9


I agree. Means you now agree that the grains - carbs increase weight.!!

I also take loads of ghee and other good fats. If the fats were responsible for increasing the weight i'd have not lost and / or put on some weight.

Every body is blaming bakery items and fats in them for weight gains. True. But bakery items contain refined flour and hydrogenated fats.

Yes. My bmr would have been reduced due to grain free diet. But my 10 kg plus weight loss is because of high good fat intake. Mct and sct can't be stored in the body as fats.

Ashka9 profile image
Ashka9 in reply to suramo

Well, that's what I am trying to tell Mr. Suramo....yr weight reduction is due to grain less diet and not due to fat intake....fat only regulates insulin....which induces fat storage.....may be you don't feel hungry due to long period of satisfaction from fat fat takes long for u eat indirectly yes...fat helps you reduce weight...

Now, pl.... Sir, grains doesn't mean only carbs.....all grains contains carbs, proteins and fat plus vitamins and minerals in varied amounts....

For me I don't differentiate at all between carbs, protein and fat and look at food as a whole for nutrition....all macro and micro nutrients are essential for normal functioning of body. Portion control is another way for calorie or carbs restriction....

You don't need to completely avoid grains for life....somehow I feel energy-less without grains for long time...say more than a month....but eating grains only one time and eating veggies/proteins/fat other times to keep increasing metabolism can be the solution....

Apart from millets that you use sparingly, our besan (bengal gram (kala chana), gram flour, split gram lentil) is best for diabetics since it has lowest GI and GL of all grains. You can include that for making cheella....which we call "puda" in gujarati...I guess u r gujju...right? Fenugreek leaves added in Puda, Pakoda (Bhajiya, gota) etc...tastes delicious...besan has lot of sweetness in it.

More variety in food, more you and life more....that doesn't mean food is everything....but this food gives you energy so if you enjoy it, you will feel like eating it next time. Less variety of food becomes boring in long term and all kind of diets are fad diets. Eat sensibly is the only way to moderation in life.

suramo profile image


"i have applied this coconut oil more than 50 peoples and 40 peoples has rise up sugar level from 135 to 250. "

What do you mean by applied?

what basis you say coconut oil increase the blood sugar from 130-250

Can you please share detail of the coconut oil.

Of course I am not used coconut oil or VCo I am used only Butter and Ghee and flax seed oil only.

If it contain carbohydrate or sugar it is blood sugar raised if it cannot digested completely.

Please understand I am not support any statement. According to Ayurvdea and Naturopathy wha we consumed food should be completely digested 2 1/2 hours to 3 hours then no problem for diabetic or BP or heart problems. If non digested consuming food will effect so many diseases like obesity overwt raising Triglyceroide and sugar and BP also As sugar and BP raises automatically kidney problems and heart problems raise.

How much coconut oil you are consumed for testing . togetherwith what are the other foodyou consumed.

Please share. Even Biscuits also spike blood sugar and Coffee /Tea with milk and sugar more added also spike the Blood sugar.

BTw are you physician which system ? If you are Ayurveda Physican you may not commented this type of oil is spike the blood sugar.

You may gathered the information fromold persons for this

BTW in so much years back even in Govt hospital for skin problems or wounded problems they given cibzal powder or any other powder and instruct to mix with coconut oil and use in the wound part or infection part.


Mis leading statement

GVGnanasooriyam profile image

I am very surprised to note SUCH a negative statement against coconut oil.

I was Type 2 for over 15 years and I was advised not to take fat, oil, gee etc as they would do all the damages to my system that are mentioned here. I WAS NOT TAKING COCONUT OIL FOR YEARS.

However, It is after resume taking coconut oil along with others recommended for LCHF and restricting my crabs intake to around 20% I began to see some light in the horizon after 15 long years and since of late I have reduced my drugs that I have been taking for over this long into half too as my sugar level may go down below 110 otherwise.

The problem therefore may be with something else but IT CAN NOT BE WITH COCONUT OIL

suramo profile image


Hidden has not yet replied to my q. What did he mean by term " applied ". He should be more specific rather than using vague terms and confusing others.

The world is recognizing the power of co and vco. If some don't want to take benefit of this miraculous fruit let them not. I wish them good luck.

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