Many people do not use coconut oil ,because traditionally they are not using it.VCO is very costly.and not available easily every a few slices of raw coconut daily may be good option.It is cheap,available every where,fresh and unprocessed and contains all the nutrition in natural form.
Can raw ( meat) coconut be a replacement fo... - Diabetes India
Can raw ( meat) coconut be a replacement for coconut oil?

Why not? In fact, in naturopathy, they encourage you to eat raw vegetables with a huge helping of coconut. Believe me, it works and keeps you sated for hours.
It is quite ideal to have raw coconut meat and it contains 30% oil. It is tasty and contains all other nutrients and the essential one FIBER. When ever raw meat is available it is better to take instead of oil. But you may need oil for cooking. Choose as per requirement.
It is quite ideal to have raw coconut meat and it contains 30% oil. It is tasty and contains all other nutrients and the essential one FIBER. When ever raw meat is available it is better to take instead of oil. But you may need oil for cooking. Choose as per requirement.
Indiacratus, permit me to differ .
Most of the oils and fats we eat are long chain fatty acids.FA undergo different metabolic fates depending on the length of their chain.Coconut contains medium chain fatty acids.These are absorbed more quickly and efficiently from intestine and go directly to liver ,unlike LCFA which are transported through lymph.MCFA enter directly into mitochondria INDEPENDENT of transport system.The result of this accelerated metabolic conversion is that INSTEAD OF being stored as fat, the calorie contained (10% less than LCFA) in MCFA are very efficiently converted into fuel for immediate use by organs and muscle.
MCFA do not behave like FAT. It should be treated separately and differently from our understanding of fats and oils.
I wrote only what researchers are saying.A part of reference comes from research study publishes in AmericanJournal Of Clincal Nutrition.
I am telling you a very interesting fact.You may be knowing that Canola oil belongs to Rape seed family,used extensively in USA and other countries.Mustered oil, which is extensively used in India as cooking oil is banned in USA.Mustered and canola belong to same rape seed family.Mustered oil is allowed only as skin massage oil in USA.Do you see the contradiction.
After all this high level discussion can we go for VCO or not
Universal, issues are raised in this forum and different members provide information on different aspects of the issue.If there is a query or doubt ,questions are put forward for clarification.So a person is made fully aware of pros cons of the subject.Now it is upto the member to take an informed decision,as it is his body and his health.
As for your question, VCO is only fat where as coconut meat is fat,protein,a lot of fibre and a plethora of vitamins and minerals.Decision is always yours.
Do not get moved by any propaganda.Always think and understand before you take a leap.
For a hungry stomach, combination of coco nut,banana and jaggery is a good meal in moderate quantity.
There is so much different opinion about using oils Saturated fat oil or unsaturated oils which helps diabetic patients
Furthere how muchof quantityof saturated fat and unsaturarated fat may be taken by a peson approximate 1200 caloriy food Please clarify
further U may also join Dlife forum Thanks
Indiacratus can u plase inform if we not taken any medcine before food for general persn if we take food how much time it takesblood glucose became normal range 140 For T2 persons if he take medicine tablets how much it takes ?
further before more than 1 month I was tested in my house my FB is 113 and I take one cup of coffee of 75 ml and go for brisk walk and walking after 8 Am I checked my it comes 143 complete breakfast after2 hours it comes 180 there is no diet changesince more than 6 months for this before 10 How it possible medicine dosage walikg brisk walking and every routinework is same Please clarify ur opinion thanks days it is FB 97 PPBS 129
In a normal healthy person,yes.