Forum Members, Please share your valuable experiences/views on intermittent fasting and its benefits for diabetes management, weight loss, hypertension etc.(and any other benefits that you can think of)
Intermittent Fasting: Forum Members, Please... - Diabetes India
Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is very good for cleansing up the system which indirectly helps the overtaxed economy .
For my part I haven't eaten breakfast for a very long time. Typically I finish my main meal around 5pm then eat nothing until 12 pm the next day, when I'll have a few nuts, half a tin of oily fish and maybe some cheese/avocado/olives, which sees me to my main meal. So typically I'll fast on a daily basis for 19 hours. I am NEVER hungry as I am keeping my fasting insulin very low so it is never yo yoing by snacking on high carbohydrate processed foods and making sure what I eat is very high in natural (not man made seed oils) fats.
My glycogen reserves are permanently low (which means any excess carbs are exchanged properly).
Typically all the concerns above are addressed or improved by fasting and changing the macronutrients of one's diet.
I could go on forever, but as usual, if you are thirsty for the science, go to Dr. Jason Fung.
Any additional benefits that you got by intermittent fasting, besides the benefits from 'special diet' that you follow?
It's not really special, I'm just following what my body dictates. If you are not constantly flooding your system with insulin (the storage hormone) , then the body is happy to make up any caloric deficit by accessing stored body fat. It will carry on accessing that weight until you reach your set point - the weight nature intended you to be. If you fall below that, appetite will increase. It's not new, just a tweaking of the diet that kept your ancestors lean and fit. It's just a shame the concept that has fallen by the wayside since the advent of 'fear fat' was introduced to a bewildered world in 1977!
Additional benefits? Mood enhancement, more energy and a sense you are on the right track in the face of so called experts by becoming your own researcher and follower of what you have discovered!
Oh, and by fasting you are doing vital housekeeping by activating autophagy - lessening the chance diseases such as cancer.
Did you get any benefits from IF?
Fasting is good, but only for those who manage their diabetes without drugs. If you take insulin enhancing drugs or inject insulin and also fast, be careful. It can be disastrous via hypoglycemia.
I wish you told us what exactly is intermittent fasting? is it like ramzan type? or more frequent and why you want to do it, unless you are overweight .
Additional benefits besides the ones that you got from truncated diet.
Sir, ye carbs kahan se aa gaye beech mein?
OH OK. Please share your experience, if you have done IF on your present diet.
I have started my mini version if IF by skipping lunch on some of the days.
Having 2-3 cups of black tea or coffee with stevia
BF at 930am and then dinner at 10pm or so
Do not feel too hungry at the lunch time as in the past
I can now progress into 12 hr fasting every working day in sometime
Levels at pre dinner on these days are around 85-89

I read somewhere that tea/coffee make liver to dump sugar in blood ...but never experimented with that ...

If you want to skip a meal, I would suggest skipping breakfast. This way you will be fasting for 15-16 hrs and eating in an 8 hr window.
I think 16:8 is the most common IF protocol. People usually maintain a gap of 16 hrs between their last meal of the day, and first meal of the next day. They eat within the 8 hr window.