Diabetes India

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4 Replies

Is carbohydrate is culprit for D M persons ?

Now most of the members pointed out that carbohydrate is culprit t food for diabetes. How much is accepted for this we may noted the human body structure

human body consists of carbohydrate protein fat and minerals

some of the sources found that human body consists of

carbohydrate 2 % of the body wt.or maximum 500 gm

protein fat 18 % protein 17 % mineral 4 % and water 60 %

Further in fat visceral fat is 1-9 %

body fat 10-20 % for male and 20-30% for women female

sub- contaneous fat 15 % for M and 30 % for female

skeletal musal e 33 -36 % for M and 30-33 for female

however these figures may some vary from some of other sources

In human body consists of 2 % or less in carbohydrate ? Now coming fo rBalance diet plan or healthy diet Plan ( Some of them called as High carb and low fat

this diet consist carbohydrate 50 % 30 % protein and 20 % fat or 55 % carbohydrate 25 % protein 20 % fat varies slightly

if we calculate as calorie basis

2000 kcal consumed persons 250 gm. of carb 180 gm. of protein fat 44 gm s

2500 kcal consumed persons carb 275 gm protein 150 gm fat 33 gm

For Low carb High fat diet followed person

2000 kcal carb 100 gm protein100 gm fat 135 gm

2500 kcal carb 125 gm protein 125 gm fat 166

carb content in the body only 2 % or maximum of 500 gm carb which stored in the body in liver by the form of glycogen and helps to the body from sudden hypo

But carb take only 2 hours to take digest completely as protein 4 or more hours and fat 8-10 hours

Un digested portions of carb is stored in the body became fat . what about protein and fat if they may not completely digested in the body .

Bs may raise immediately by the carb s, but once raised blood sugar may gradually decreases to normal no. within 6 hours

please share your opinion how carb becomes culprit ? Is there is no share for protein and fat ?

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4 Replies
patliputra profile image

It is a very complicated question and not easy to explain. Let us try to imagine two scenario. In one person is perfectly healthy and in other the person is diabetic. If both,groups are eating same diet what will happen ?

Secondly the diet which is being taken contains the required calorie or it is very much over the required calorie.

Will the bodies response the same or different ?

Thirdly,every indivisual is unique,with different physique,temperament, genetic profile and the environment in which he lives. Even the diet to which he is accustomed since his childhood.

So it is difficult to indivualise an item of food and say it the culprit.

bnsb profile image

Sedantic lifestyle is the first culprit, next the diet. You can have chicken mutton and what not not if you work hard enough to earn it and digest it. Once we have lifestyle related abnormalcy - BP Sugar Cholesterol to name a few we wake up and try to make best out of a bad deal. My 2p

of course carb is digest early it raises the Bs level immediately but it stored in the body only 500 gms and it also helps to emergence condition when the Bs low or coma position. it give strength immediately that is why most of persons in south India particularly Andhra kerala Tamilnadu and and karnataka as main food

Diabetes person may use limited quantity accordingto insulin production it may not harm but more eating persons and stomach lovers and not controling their toung have many problems

Question of protein and Fat

Protein ganerally proteinmay consume 1kg per body wt of the person or .8 gms This is from googale sources .

Ex if the person 60 kg he may consume 60 kg of protein how much body used remaining part may not stored in the body similarily fat there is no sufficinet rule to consuming quantity of Fat But one thing heavy fat causes kidney problem and non digested protein and fat will became adverse problems to the person it may be

obesity oroverwt or CKD andCVd

If it digest completely no problem

Totaly all the carbohydrate fat protein maybe consumed limited quantity it must digest completely no prob lem to the person.

Most of the hard workers like labour groups and work in construction of houses and in agricultural field have usedheavy carbohydrate but their hardwork it digest completely they have no problem in their health

Also athletic wwwf players gymnastic players also work hard and heavy excercise they eat more protein and fat all of them were digest and they have no problems

totaly carb isnot dangerous for diabetes provided the consuming quantity to be digested this thing to be considered by the DM person. They adjust their food according to insulin production then carb is no became culprit Carb protein fat are all important for the human body structure

if one knows the utilistion of insulin according to his consumption of fodd whatever diet system he used he has no problems

Donot stick on for google serch links / explain how much insulin required to a person for consuming

100 gms of carbohydrate

100 gns of protein

200 gms of fat whatever u consume carbohydrate stored in the body only 1 % or maximum of 2 % of the wt.

How much of protein u consumed store in the body and also fat

Undigested fat and protein what to do? is it good for person

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