LCHF vs KIDNEYS : I am 67, male, Type 2 since... - Diabetes India

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GVGnanasooriyam profile image
19 Replies

I am 67, male, Type 2 since year 2000 on LCHF for nearly one year.

I have become nearly Non- Diabetic as at date. HOWEVER, I SENSE SIGNS OF LESSER CORPORATION FROM MY KIDNIES. Always looking for a place of comfort to sleep and fall sleep no sooner such place is found.

2 Eggs, 1 bottle of buffalo milk, buffalo curd in the morning and night, boiled pulses and a little rice with veggie and fish/ meat make my daily routine.

Am I to reduce my Protein intake?

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GVGnanasooriyam profile image
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19 Replies


Mahendra37 profile image
Mahendra37 in reply to

How , please elaborate

in reply to


How will then will you justify the high carb diet rxed by all Drs & still the disease progresses?

How come the patients still develop complications?

How come you know that the above person is following LCHF properly?

Just because he is taking fats does not make it LCHF..

Just see how much milk & curd he is Taking....??

Lchf damages the kidneys in the long run .By saying this we are not advising to take high carb diet either . A good balanced diet with organic fruits and vegetables with stress free life is advocated.

So called factual reports are like statistics , which prove to be wrong after some time and termed as half lies.

The peoples who are on lchf,now they are com planting on this forum,for organs damages, after all we are not saying ourselfs,peoples are saying.

Previously members also complained of damages after taking lch continue sly.

jingale profile image


Never thought I would ever post something like this - To me, this looks like a hit job. A vague and speculative post followed by a barrage of expert opinions on LCHF by "balanced diet" proponents. Reports are half lies, but our opinions are the Truth. Wah!

I can now understand where your bitterness comes from.

GVGnanasooriyam profile image

Dear Friends,

Only we are trying to find out ‘What is Right’ rather than ‘Who is Right?’ We as elders finding ways and means of ‘Aging Successfully’ well into our 100s'.

There are a lot of discussions on this issue and I happened to listen to a Podcast by BBC under the label ‘Future Proving’ where they talk of success stories of extending the lifespan to Rats 10 times to 15 years and - a life span of 145 years for us is very much within reach, according to the research personnel participated in this program.

I am not a medical man. I have been seeing the same endocrinologist since 2000. She is well qualified in the US and regularly attends programs/ conferences there to keep her up to date.

I switched to LCHF without consulting her. I visit her once in 3 months regularly. It was 45 days after my switching to LCHF my next turn came. When she saw the report she was highly surprised.

‘You must have started some rigorous exercises recently! Your sugar is OK, your cholesterol- OK… everything is fine. Keep it up” Then only I have disclosed my switching over to LCHF.

“What you eat? ‘Meat, fish, full cream milk, buffalo curd, pulses……”

She changed all of a sudden and became very angry and began scolding me.” You are going to damage your heart, your kidneys, your liver….." Then I pointed the report in her hand and asked if the reading were wrong?

She came down and said ‘Your kidneys may be in the process of damaging’ she wanted to have a special test done along with the routine report.

I took this report too after 90 days from the date of visit. She was pleased with the report as there were no indications of damages to my kidneys- say it is after on LCHF for four and a half months. In fact my ALT which should be around 45 was 80 for nearly 5 years. That too came to 40 after the change over. The doctor was as happy as I was with LCHF.

This is a very well balanced unbiased scenario.

Now we should find out what really is happening? By argument we may win or lose in the argument BUT WE MAY SIDELINE THE ISSUE. Let us put our shoulders to the wheel together to find ways of Aging Successfully. Should I continue or not WITH LCHF ? That is the focus. Let us move forward together without 'Pride or Prejudice' to find the correct answer!

GVGnanasooriyam profile image

My next visit to the doctor is due by mid June. I will have a chat with the doctor with the report and revert to you all afterward.

Concerned's comment give me some lead to work with before then.

GVGnanasooriyam profile image

The very first person you see on ‘arrival’ is a medical person and the last one you see before you ‘depart’ is also a medical person. Medical profession WAS HOLY then! Now it is commercialized fully. Money, Money , Money……….. Humanity will cease to exist before long!

No diet is perfect,it followed by your body requirement/conditions from time to time. It is hoax to call lchf a perfect diet for diabetes also. Listen to your inner voice,if lchf is a perfect diet ,then why you have diabetes,if you were following it before the onset .

When a person is unhealthy doctors advises him or her to take light form of diet,with or without medicines . A teenager cannot eat high fat diet as in the case of sick and old person.

Just like smoking,drinking,high fat diet causes/brings numerous ailments,just,heart diseases, colon ,prostate and other cancerous diseases. Life does not end with three months ,six months,it is more than that. Remember diabetes is controllable,if not curable,but cancer is not curable.

It is ridiculous to blame the medical and pharma feterninty, for all ill-effects. Only a cowards&weak state of mind of man or women can blame them,because they have no excuse other than blaming them.

It is the doctor and medicines which rescues you form a disease when you have no other means on your disposle.

Keep patience and enjoy life rather cursing others for the wrongdoing of your selves.

Lchf is not recommended for normal people though it's an ideal diet

It's recommended for diabetics who cannot tolerate carbs which includes sugar as well as fruits

I see that in spite of success in india as well as the world over regarding lchf many. Are opposing it

It's their choice

Regarding corruption we don't know even half of it

Regarding Dr's recommending the diet they are just following guidelines which are prone to be influenced. We understand it. If some authorities orders for some defence aircrafts which are faulty do u think that they are doing good?? Are there not bribes given??

We know of many such.... Similar things happen in health care sector also..

So choice is yours to accept or reject Hidden

We are happy with LCHF while u are busy fighting it

Then invite other diseases along diabetes, follow it blindly even on your death bed.

matru13-ashram profile image

How about lclf.that means low carbohydrate and low fat.i think following this way all the argument will stop.some people's opinion is high fats are bad for health if we follow this I.e. everything in moderation the problem will be solved.let me know the members opinion and also pros and cons

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to matru13-ashram

My dear

Concept behind lchf is that when you take low carb diet you need to compensate for the calorie deficit. You have to increase either prots or fats. Now prots are readily converted to carbs. So the fats are left. In lchf diet good fats are recommended. Not the bad ones like hydrogeated. Fats recommended are vco, evoo, palm kernel oil, traditionally made ghee by fermentation, cow ghee and mct. The calorie division in lchf is 20:20:60 c : p :f

GVGnanasooriyam profile image
GVGnanasooriyam in reply to suramo

This comment is very nice to read as it contains not ‘heat’ & expressed in a way to put me on the right track of LCHF. Still, if you don’t mind ‘vco, mct’ stand for what?

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to GVGnanasooriyam

Virgin coconut oil.

Medium chain triglyceride- a kind of fat that gets converted to energy in the liver and can't be stored in the body.

All the above oil contain either mct or sct - short chain triglyceride. Both can't be stored in the body but since they are converted to energy on eating these fats you feel a surge in the energy levels.

Carbs under influence of insulin gets converted into fats - triglycerides - which are stored in our body as a future source of energy but this stored fat is responsible for IR - insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

Evoo is extra virgin olive oil used as dressing over salads and vegetables etc

jingale profile image

When I posted my comment on this thread yesterday, I had thought that the level of discourse/discussion on this forum had already hit the nadir(thanks to some "balanced diet" fanatics). And then one "balanced diet" expert proved me wrong by wishing for diseases/health problems for LCHFers. What kind of low lives infest this forum?

GVGnanasooriyam profile image

Dear Friends,

I said I will come back after seeing my doctor. On my recent 3 monthly routine check the Endo found me doing very well on with LCHF and my ‘always wanting to go to sleep’ was as someone rightly pointed out here that it is due to excess insulin in my system owing to reduction in crabs intakes hence she reduced the dosages. I am doing fine now.

Having said that I have another issue which I trust we can sort out ourselves. In my locality it is always rice or wheat plus something all the time. ‘Coconuts and coconut oil’ is very common here. Can I resort to ‘coconut/ coconut oil’ to substitute ‘rice/ wheat’ in my routine diet?

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