My changing to LCHF improved my reading considerably. I was taking Diamicron 80 one in the morning and one in the night for years. I am able to reduce my morning dose by half and the reading is around 110 after 12 hrs fasting. What step I should take next? Give up the morning dose all together or reduce the night dose?
Type- 2 Vs LCHF: My changing to LCHF... - Diabetes India
Type- 2 Vs LCHF

Congratulations on being on the right track GV. Don;t jump to reduce your medications just as yet. Bring down your reading less than 100 than try to adjust your medicine dose. Try to add Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda in your routine monitor your readings. YOu can have 1/2 tsp of Baking Soda with 1 tsp of ACV and squeeze of lemon with 8 oz glass of water early in the morning before having breakfast and monitor your readings. If you start hitting in 80s or so adjust your dose but still maintain your reading less than 100. Good Luck.
Start reducing grains
If having 3 meals a day start knocking off grains in 1 meal initally & then 2 meals & finally in all 3 meals
This was the control will improve & depending on the readings going down further you can decide reducing the dosage
When I reach the point should I start tapering the medication by taking [1] half in the morning and half in the night or [2] take only one in the morning or night?
I also endorse the suggestion of Shashikantiyenger. Thanks
for everyone's benefit, just curiosity, what constitutes your diet, all 3 meals, pls mention; thnx in advance, BTW: which city u based/live in????
Sorry for the delayed reply:
I am a non vegetarian. Generally my eating habits after changing over to LCHF avoids cereals as far as possible but take pluses in place with fatty/ protein foods. Coconut oil, buffalo milk, curd, meat and fish are available in plenty in my area. Veggies of all sorts fresh too.
Always keep in mind that your intake of carbohydrate is around 20%. You will notice when you eat carbohydrate it burns at a speed and you are hungry all the time. But when you eat meat say even ¼ of the weight of the carbohydrate you ‘forget’ hunger almost. I feel hunger only around 2 pm or after for my lunch. This was the position when I was in my 30s.
By this I am not recommending meat to every one. Non vegetarian diets have plenty of equivalents.
The belly stomach too became flat and nowadays I cannot help getting into conversation with any one with ‘boys face but grand fathers stomach’ [though I am a grandfather] and counseling them on dietary issues.
But most of them after listening say ‘What? You call it a meal without a plate full of rice?”
How and when to do intermittent fasting

Is IF recommend when he is on Diamicron???

yeah tweaking dose with diet would be better option..