Anyone have experience using iodine to cont... - Diabetes India

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Anyone have experience using iodine to control blood sugar?

ejaji profile image
33 Replies

If so, please let me know about your experience and what kind of iodine (and amount) you used. Also, where you purchased it, as it seems to only be available to buy online and not in any local chemist shops in India. Thanks.

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ejaji profile image
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33 Replies
MikePollard profile image

Forget it. It absolutely will not work. You need to forget instant cures and do some research that will address the issues that have got you to where you are now.

Google LCHF.

DougSend2 profile image
DougSend2 in reply to MikePollard

Oh really ;-) Are you just saying that or did you actually try it? Iodine was what made the biggest difference for me. Yes, it is not a magic cure. You still have to do the other things. But when I added Iodine my blood sugar quickly went to the normal range. The thing is how much? The doctors that use Iodine have had 50mg a day work for some. In my case I had to go got 300mg a day which I have been on for about 9 months. Getting my blood sugar down also seemed to help me lose weight. About 25 lbs less over the 9 months. Now that I have dropped some weight, I am lowering the Iodine to 150mg a day to see if my blood sugar continues to stay in the normal range. My hope is the get the maintenance dose to 50mg or less. Don't underestimate Iodine! It also has other possible benefits. Especially with the spread of drug resistant bacteria. That dose of 300mg a day actually cleared up toenail fungus that I had for many years. I looked down one day after using 300mg a day for a couple of months and noticed the yellowish color was gone on my nail.

ncasimiro profile image

I agree with the reply of Mike Pollard but I would not go as far as Low Carbohydrate High Fat diet (LCHF) especially if using saturated fats from red meats. A well balanced healthy meal that will give you enough calories and carbohydrate to reach your desirable body weight along with regular exercise is the key to diabetes control. If you want to remain in control and do not know how, you owe it to yourself to see a registered dietitian. No quick fix works!

iminig profile image

Iodine seem to have helped some people:

Read here:

A good approach to controling diabetes should be holistic.

- Eat a diet low in carbohydrates, adequate intake of proteins (1-2 gr/Kg body weight) and the rest is healthy fats including saturated fats.

No rice, no flour, no bread, no legumes, no fruits except berries and avocados, no potatoes, no starchy vegies.

Increasing intake of healthy fats will make you satiated and it is easy to follow low carb diet.s

- Eat an anti inflamatory diet. Elliminate vegetable oils, sugar and fried foods.

- Reduce stress because cortisol (a stress hormone) causes the liver to produce glucose leading to high blood sugars. Herbs and teas: Holy basil and Rhodiola. Google

- Improve sleep: Bad sleep leads to increased blood sugar due to increse cortisol and lower insulin resistence.

- Intermitent fasting: Fasting 2 days a week leads to low blood glucose. You may add some fat such as butter and coconut oil to your hot drinks.

- Supplements: Chromium, vanadium, ALA, Coenzime Q10, A good B complex.

- Herbs and spices: Turmeric, Blackseed, Cayenne pepper, Ginger, Garlic, Cinnamon.

Following low carb diet and using just some herbs and spices, can reduce HbA1C and fasting glucose by about 25%in newly diagnosed diabetes patients.

ejaji profile image
ejaji in reply to iminig

Thanks for your reply.

DougSend2 profile image

Ignore Mike Pollard and the others that say something they know nothing about won't work. My blood sugar was getting elevated and I could not get it down. I started trying Iodine and at first it did not seem to help much. That is until I increased the dose to 300 mg per day. My blood sugar immediately dropped about to the middle of the normal range 79 with ref range of 65 -99 mg/dL. Then over the next couple of weeks to moved up to the high end of the normal range and stayed there, about 98 mg/dL. Yes, it does work and MDs who know about Iodine have had it work at lot. Don't pay any attention to people talking about something they know nothing about. Getting my insulin level also down seems to have also helped me lose weight. More recently I increased my intake if Omega-3 EFAs and also ginger. The increased Omega-3 intake and ginger is a recent change so I don't know yet how well it will stick. But three days ago I had my blood sugar measured and it was lower still, 83 mg/dL. There is nothing that annoys me more than people giving opinions about something they have no experience or knowledge of.

ejaji profile image
ejaji in reply to DougSend2

Thank you so very much for your reply DougSend2. I appreciate it a lot.

Scarvajal profile image
Scarvajal in reply to DougSend2

Hi, thanks for your post. How was your glucose level prior to take iodine?

300 mg per day means 48 drops form Lugols iodine 5%?

I'm very interested in lower my glucose levels using natural supplements. I have 120 readings on fast glucose levels.


DougSend2 profile image
DougSend2 in reply to Scarvajal

Yes 48 drops a day. However, I was surprised I needed that high of a dose. I suggest moving up slowly. There can be detox side effects from moving up quickly. Iodine will displace a lot of bromides in your body. There is actually a whole protocol for using Iodine to prevent detox symptoms. Also you should not be deficient in magnesium or selenium. Also, should take plenty of Vit B Complex and Vit C. There is a book called Salt Your Way to Health that describes how to get the bromides out of your body. My last A1c came in at 5.4 this past June. Previously it had gotten up around 5.8 or 5.9. My fasting glucose was in the prediabetic range. Once I went to 300 mg of Iodine a day it mostly has stayed around 83 to 99 mg/dL. I did have one measure come in at 104....not sure what happened there. Maybe I messed up on the fasting a little bit. Now that I have dropped about 25 lbs I trying to drop my Iodine dose to 150 mg to see if that is enough to still keep my blood sugar in the normal range.

DougSend2 profile image

If you try Iodine, move your dose up from 12 or 30 mg per day. There is actually a whole detox protocol that is good to use when doing this. Taking Iodine will cause your TSH hormone to increase. But this is not a cause of concern. It does NOT mean you are hypothyroid. Most doctors think TSH has only one use in the body and this is apparently not correct. There is a lot to read up on regarding using high dose Iodine. I would suggest the following:

Also, the following facebook group is a good place to ask questions and they have a lot of information in the protocol under their "files" tab.

ejaji profile image
ejaji in reply to DougSend2

Thanks a ton for the info.

HealthUnlimited profile image
HealthUnlimited in reply to ejaji

Could you provide data on your own trials with [Lugol's] iodine? Any luck with glucose lowering? Thanx.

in reply to ejaji

Have you tried Iodine as recommended by DougSend2? And if so, what were your results? Thank you.

HealthUnlimited profile image
HealthUnlimited in reply to DougSend2

It's been 8 months ago since we heard from you. What's your status now? Are you still at 300 mg of iodine or have you titrated the dose down to 150 mg? Would luv to hear from you, brave one!!

in reply to HealthUnlimited

Did you ever try the Iodine regimen as recommended by DougSend2, and if so, what were your results? Thanks.

in reply to DougSend2

Please check your private messages for mine, thanks!

Santini4 profile image

I had borderline High Blood Sugar for years. I stared taking 12.5 mg of Iodine that I bought on ebay every day. My levels came down to normal levels from consistently 110 to 80.

in reply to Santini4

I just started taking Organic Nascent Iodine drops by Carlyle, after having bad side effects from the IOPlus by Pure Horizon Niacin-Free Iodine Supplement. Are you still getting good results from Iodine and what brand do you use? Thanks.

I would love to hear from anyone who has had success using Iodine to control their blood sugar. Feel free to reply here or private message me. Thanks!

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to

Hi Hidden ,

Have you discussed with your doctor about using iodine to help control your blood sugars? What was your A1c the last time it had been tested? What are your blood sugars before/after meals? Are you on any medications/insulin/counting carbs.? When was your last appointment with your doctor related to Diabetes?

in reply to Activity2004

Hi Activity2004,

None of my doctors are interested in alternative therapies such as Iodine for blood glucose control, hence my post here. They only believe in medications to control diabetes, which I no longer take due to serious and irreversible complications from them. Most people ignore the serious side effects and possible irreparable bodily damage they may receive from these drugs, but I do not, having suffered said damage due to my irresponsible ex-doctor (I removed him from my care) not warning me of this possibility. So at this moment I choose to control my Type 2 diabetes with diet, numerous supplements and exercise. I have been a T2 diabetic for 12 years, have tried basically all the diets and supplements recommended for it, and have streamlined my diet to give me the best results. But there is always room for improvement, and I had never heard of Iodine being used for glucose control, and was very impressed with the post made here by DougSend2 and the results they achieved. I contacted them privately, but have not heard back from them, so this is why I posted here. I also use a FreeStyle Libre 14 day CGM.

Have you tried Iodine as recommended by DougSend2? And if so, what were your results? Thank you.

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to

I use a CGM, but I haven’t used/tried iodine for Diabetes/blood sugar control. I’m type 1 and use two different insulins each day. I’ve been a person with Diabetes for almost 40 years.

in reply to Activity2004

I'm glad you use a CGM since that's the easiest way to keep track of your glucose readings. I was happy to read the other day that the FreeStyle Libre 3 has finally been approved in the USA by the FDA..after years of approval in the EU. It is the size of two American pennies stacked together, and will send regular readings and alarms to your smart phone without needing to be scanned just like the Dexcom units. They also said it won't cost more than the current FreeStyle Libre CGM's, which is a relief considering how expensive these units are.

How are you doing controlling your blood sugar? Are you happy with your current regimen?

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to

Since I'm a Brittle Type 1, I try to use a sliding scale with insulin dosing and eat a low carb. high protein and gluten free diet. The gluten free part of the diet is for the gluten intolerance issues. The low carb. high protein diet part helps, but sometimes have 'hiccups' and the numbers don't match what is expected with the carbs. at the meals/snacks eaten at the time. The DEXCOM system is helpful to catch when I'm dropping and don't feel any low symptoms. We use the receiver and phone during the day, but at night, I have the receiver when the phone is off so I can sleep.

in reply to Activity2004

I originally was going to try the Dexcom CGM because I saw on YouTube how users were able to easily reset it, and therefore keep using the same unit for a few times to save money, but my insurance wouldn't cover it like the FreeStyle Libre.

As far as diet, I also do a low carb/keto diet, but I am truly bored with it and sorely miss rice, pasta, bread and desserts. And my diabetes and CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) do a wonderful double punch on my energy reserves so I don't have the energy or patience for complicated recipes that give you more variety. This disease really works overtime taking all the joy out of life for a foodie like myself. Hopefully you're having a better time than I managing it and achieving a good quality of life. Nobody talks about the emotional struggles this disease causes but they are very real indeed for many of us.

On the Iodine, I did try some pills: IOPlus by Pure Horizon Niacin-Free Iodine Supplement. I started with one a day and worked my way up to 3 a day. I noticed my mood and emotions really balanced out after 24hrs, and then I started noticing how quickly my blood sugars would drop back to normal after they were elevated. So although the Iodine didn't stop my blood glucose from going high into the diabetic numbers, they did definitely work to bring my blood glucose back down to normal numbers much quicker than if I hadn't taken them. Keep in mind I wasn't taking anywhere near the 300mg that DougSend2 was taking, although that was my goal. But sadly I had to stop taking the pills because I developed an intense itching all over my body, which I confirmed with the manufacturer can happen due to the Iodine being released from your pores and/or causing a histamine release. And I can't take antihistamines because they basically make me so weak I have to stay in bed and can't function properly.

I am now taking Carlyle Nascent Iodine drops, which are supposed to work better and faster, and I am starting out slowing in the hopes it won't give me the same bad itching reaction as the pills. I'm up to 2mg a day right now.

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to

Have you told the doctor about switching the iodine pills?

in reply to Activity2004

No because the Iodine pills are not prescription, neither are the drops. And they are not interested in treating me with Iodine..only drugs. Typical doctor who is payed to prescribe drugs by drug manufacturers, and isn't payed to prescribe natural supplements like Iodine. And he actually admitted this to me. 😒

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to

Can you show the results of the numbers to the doctor when you go for your next appointment? Let them know that with the iodine and the pills-- along with the Freestyle and other medication, these are the reasons for the way your numbers ended up being.

in reply to Activity2004

I don't take any medications for my diabetes, and my doctor is not interested in the Iodine because they can't make money on it nor prescribe it. It actually works against me when I mention these alternative therapies to them because they think this is nothing but "wishful thinking" and "new age nonsense" and that I should just be put on a drug..and take a chance on the side effects of it. Please understand I only go to my doctor at this point for my CGM prescription to be continued. I don't need their approval to take any over the counter supplement like Iodine that might help me, nor do they care one bit I take it. I'm just wanting more feedback from those that use Iodine to lower their blood glucose.

sandybrown profile image

Your CGM graph is is Good? What are the daily readings?

There are many Indian vegetables, seed powders, meth and many more can help with blood glucose numbers. Keep away from rice based food.


in reply to sandybrown

My readings are still too high..which is why I am interested in those who are using Iodine to lower their blood glucose. Many people recommend different plants to control blood glucose..but few of them have actually tried them. If they did..they would realize they generally don't work as well as claimed..if at all. I have tried many of them with very poor results..which is why I am interested in Iodine.

Have you tried Iodine to control your blood glucose and if so..were you happy with the results? Thanks.

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to

At times I take

" Hands down, seaweed is the best source of iodine available. A 10 gram serving of dried nori seaweed (the type of seaweed used in sushi) contains up to 232 mcg of iodine, more than 1.5 times the daily required minimum. Seafood in general is a great source of iodine, but cod is particularly healthy."

I keep away from over the counter supplement.!

Iodine Intake Update:

I started taking IOPlus by Pure Horizon Niacin-Free Iodine Supplement purchased from Amazon. Within 24hrs I started feeling better, with a more positive mood and a decrease in diabetes-related mood swings. I also noticed my blood glucose would drop back to normal much quicker than without taking Iodine. I started with a single tablet daily, which was 12.5mg of Iodine/Iodide. I increased this dosage slowly until I was taking 3 tablets daily. At that point, I started experiencing an incredibly uncomfortable itching all over my body: Hands, head, legs, arms..everywhere. It even woke me up at night. I contacted the manufacturer and they confirmed (along with a google search) that this can be a side effect of taking Iodine. I stopped taking their tablet and the itching went away completely.

I then switched to Carlyle Nascent Iodine drops purchased from Amazon. I noticed no positive mood or feeling better benefits, and no glucose control benefits either (as I did with the Iodine tablets at the same strength), and stopped taking it when I reached 30mg daily in a cup of coffee. I also did not experience any itching all over my body as I did with the Iodine pills.

I am now taking Carlyle Lugols Potassium Iodide and Iodine Solution 2% Liquid Drops purchased from Amazon. I have not noticed any benefits in mood or glucose control, and today increased my dosage to 100mg daily in a cup of coffee. I will continue taking these drops until I slowly reach the 300mg daily as recommended by DougSend2 and hope I don't experience the uncomfortable itching all over my body as I did with the pills.

I will provide updates on this regimen. If anyone else is trying this please post here. Also interested in knowing if ejaji , Santini4 and HealthUnlimited tried this. Thank you.

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