Hi! I am diabetes and i am taking cetapin xr 500mg and some times my sugar level its high 300-350 and i was taken insulin also but now i have stopped insulin and it was controlled but now some times its high.. What to do?? Its irritates me.. Plzz tell me what to do how to get rid of diabetes how to control..😒
How to control high blood sugar... - Diabetes India
How to control high blood sugar...

Diet is the key weapon to fight diabetes. If you do not care for it no drug and insulin will not help. Cut down drastically food containing carbohydrates. You will get immediate response.
Follow LCHF diet and follow the advice of arunkumar.Karim
dear NMDP ji you tahe Tab . Glycigon 80 mg morning and evening and use DOUBLE STEM CELL POWDER for complete cure of diabetes. for 4 to 7 months continue if any problem can call 09983427060 at ajmer india.
dear sangeeta and dinesh if you want to cure your diabetes so you take Tab Glycigon and powder DOUBLE STEM CELL two times for 4 to 8 months for complete cure of diabetes if any problem call me at 09983427060 Dr. AFTAB ABBAS RIZVI AJMER.
dear gsshan use POWDER DOUBLE STEM CELL morning and evening and tab. Glimaday 1 morning and evening for 4 to 6 months for complete cure of diabetes can call 09983427060 at ajmer Dr. AFTAB ABBAS RIZVI