I have been eating raw food since 7 months..
I want to share yesterday's incident. I had dinner at 7pm & for dinner i ate raw salad & raw leaves (spinach, mint leaves, basil, curry leaves).. My bsl after 2 hrs was 41 which was 200 before dinner.. of course i had taken 14 u of insulin before dinner.. I had consumed boiled spinach after i felt low. At 3am the bsl shooted up to 386.. and i had to tke 6 u of Lantus..
Next day morning, my fasting was 216. I took insulin Novorapid 10units before breakfast.. Consumed fruits (apple,pomegranate,banana,sweetlime n oranges).. Ppbs was 245.. i had a feeling of nausea & weakness.. I consumed lunch at 2pm : Same diet of raw Salad & leaves.. And my Ppbs after lunch was 61.. since i was feeling giddy, i consumed coconut water.. Later, i checked my sugar before dinner at 7.30pm it was 230.. I took 14u & same food for dinner.. raw salad & leaves.. Finished it by 8.30, checked my sugar at 9.45, it was 40.. I consumed banana & boiled bottleguard plain.. At 12am the sugar was 61.. i still felt giddy bt consumed only water.. And in the morNing today the sugar was 386
Has anyone gone thru this? Can anybody explain why the body reacts so unpredictably? These fluctuations leave little energy in me & make me feel lifeless at times.. Although my diet regime is revolving only around 80% of raw food & 20% of homemade cooked food.. I avoid oily, sweet, milk products, etc.