My fasting is 240 and pp is 340 and hb1ac is 6.7% , why is it so and what to do
Diabetes : My fasting is 240 and pp is 34... - Diabetes India

Genetics. Many obese people don't develop glucose intolerance. The reason is an inherited insufficiency of pancreas. It can be managed well with diet and exercise at this stage.
Can somebody suggest a typical food plan for a south indian vegetarian to reduce sugar level?
Morning 2 idlies with stevia coffee , 10 am 2 biscuits or three almonds and 3 walnuts with a cup of coffee , lunch one cup of rice with a cup of any vegetable curry , one cup of sambar , a small cup of curds ( fat free ), evening two or three tomatoes or any fruit & dinner same as lunch .The very next week you would n't see any change . But after one month you can see the difference in sugar levels as well as weight. If you take the same food ceremoniously all the days , you constantly get reminded of your health problem . Go for check up once in a month only . Eat everything Make experiment with all types of food , just like everyone else in the family but in lesser quantities .
Kashiji your plan does not suit to lchf format.we in this format restrict your carb to 100 grams from all sources.Checked my lipid after 9 months it is absolutely normal.fasting is 90 Ppbs is 120.Thanks everybody.
No two individuals are alike, as far as biological , psychological constitutional & emotional factors are concerned . even if they are siblings. Hence what suits a person may not suit another one. Go along with your diet plan of Lchf. Wish you all the best.

Agreed on your remarks. Thanks
once the caloric count is done and any deviation in the readings with the change of the food is noted down , there is no need to take the readings on daily basis,, Any way the saying goes ''proof of pudding is in eating'' That said , let the patients decide , what is good for them.
Is it good to eat roti from Khapli wheat in Diabities-2?
if a wrong concept is proposed by some body it does not become right just because it is proposed by many .LCHF is not a right concept . But high carb low fat is also not a right concept.A judicious mix of all nutrients is the secret of health. LIKE it is always said by ayurved body is made up of seven dhathus and 6 rasas and all of them have to be maintained in balance.They never propagated the theory of one over the other.
first of all Lchf is not a science.There is no point in beating around the bush.Time will prove.The discussion ends from my end.
I am not following truely LCHF but Yes i Am taking very less carb as i need it because i am doing workout two times a day
Fbs 90 to 100
Ppbs 100 to 120