My fasting sugar is 92 and the pp is 162. The OGTT Test is NORMAL. Why is this?
DIABETES: My fasting sugar is 92 and the pp... - Diabetes India

What is your 1 hr number in ogtt? Please share your OGTT numbers.
1hr ogtt is 185 and 1 1/2 hr it is 116
Do you have any snacks when the numbers are upper 100's (below 120 mg/dl?
Fasting is always around 91 PP 162 as apolo lab gave 2 slice bread poha and I had 2 cup of coffee
What is poha? Does it have carbs in it? If it does, it may raise blood sugars.
Poha is made of rice high in carb since diagnosed recently my father and brother both diabetic ,what should we eat for pp test,suddenly belly fat increased very sharp with cholestrol now reduced
I am neither on any medicine nor insulin controling through diet /exercise but feel very sad to stop sugar and changes in food when other family members enjoy.
This is very Early stage of Diabetic , First PP goes high then followed by FP .. So careful too
.. You are in early stage and If you failed to change life and diet , It can go worse ..
There is no need of Medicine with this near to normal numbers .. Just cut few carbs and start exercise .
You are very fortunate that you identified this disorder too early , make use of this danger signal and keep diabetic away forever .,
You have not mentioned your age. Age is an important factor. The situation is not at all alarming if you are above 55.
I am 55 yr slim female having father/brother diabetic noticed sudden increase in belly fat when went for annual check cholestrol also crossed limit and fb 92 pp 162 while 14 months before these readings were fb 85 pp under controll through fasting, diet, and walking after meal. But feeling quite bad can it be reversed
If you walk 15 minutes in the court yard after each meal, your PPBS will be lowered. This is the advice given to pregnant women with gestational diabetes.