My wife is diabetic since last 4 years. She is of 40 years. Her sugar levels are - fasting 245 and post 300. Her sugar level never reached below 220. She is taking Glykind-M since one year. Please advise least harmless long term medicine for her.
Diabetes: My wife is diabetic since last... - Diabetes India

Please go by advice from a good diabetologist. He may suggest insulin.

Medicines can only be prescribed by a qualified doctor based on the results of several tests and other factors like age,weight,height,lifestyle,other medical conditions etc.{n addition to medicines,a diabetic should also observe strict diet control,regular physical exercise and a disciplined life style,about which we can share our experiences on this forum.
It is my suggestion to search for Mr.George diabetes cured in Google and follow the instructions. Even I was in the same glucose range. Now it is in reduced level. Wish u good luck
Her best medicine is low carbohydrate high fat & moderate protein diet.
I'm 12 weeks insulin free now since eating ketogenic way. Prior to my diet I was shooting insulin 5 to 6 times a day and my blood sugars would swing from 55 to 300+ and 60 day averages of 155 to 170.
On a ketogenic diet, I swing from 90 to 135 with a 60 day average of 119.
Your wife's liver is mostly at fault. She likely is overweight in the midsection where fatty liver gas developed. Most type 2 diabetics over secrete insulin and their cells just ignore the insulin. Her liver can hold as much as 2000 calories of sugar because the liver works to keep an ample supply of sugar at the ready to feed the brain. I used to always wake up to high fasting blood sugar ( it's called the dawn effect) before you wake your liver starts dumping sugar into the blood to wake you up.
You need to deplete carbohydrate & sugars within your blood and liver. Light housevwork, walking, biking etc will help burn sugar stored in your liver but you must couple that with low carbohydrate dieting. I use a ketogenic approach.
My diabetes was really bad. I've eliminated over 475 shots in 12 weeks and haven't used any diabetes medicine at all and using diet my sugars are nearly normalized.
I agree. If you keep eating high carbohydrate low fat food and you're insulin resistant or fat in the midsection or diabetic these foods only provoke ever more and more insulin into your systems and you're already swimming in insulin. Then you inject more, and over time you need even more to keep you controlled.
Insulin is treating a symptom of diabetes. It's not treating the disease. Dr's using insulin are simply trying to keep blood sugars low-- they already know you're swimming in insulin and they know that's what really causes diabetes in most people.
To control diabetes try food. Try foods that are not starchy, are not rich in carbohydrates, not sugars or fructose etc... eliminate carbohydrates as much as possible;I stick to 30 grams or less and it's not that hard on a high fat rich diet to do this.
Then non stressful exercise regularly such as walking a few miles, biking, hiking, house work, garden work, etc... Keep your body moving you burn up more sugar that your liver works to produce for emergencies for the brain and it uses this same sugar it tried to create and hold onto to get you up in the morning. Even if you eat if it's possible 0 sugars and 0 carbohydrates your liver will always work to make a little glucose off your fat stores. But it will make a lot more ketones to fuel the brain and body with and it will try to keep sugar stored for emergency use, and limit it's secretion into your blood stream as much as possible--- especially if you sugar fast, and or fast or exercise enough to burn through it's storage facilities. Often people wake up with high sugar it's known as the dawn effect. It's the liver dumping stored sugar into your blood stream to get your ass out of bed. Dr's try regulating that will long lasting insulin like Lantus. You can impact this number on your own too by exercising a little bit before going to bed.
I wasn't initially concerned about the money, as I have good insurance. I was told it's progressive and nonreversible. After 6 months they were already talking to me about a CGM and Pump. The dietician that was to teach me how to eat weighed about 400lbs (advising me on how to eat?)
I tried it there way, balanced omnivore diet, using extra insulins and metformins to maintain my normal eating lifestyle. Want to eat-- just calculate your carbs shoot up and eat... Going to bed-- shoot up with long lasting insulin, oh a snack shoot up with more fast acting insulin, late night snack shoot up and finger stick, finger stick, finger stick, finger stick, oppps low sugar eat something finger stick opps really high sugar shoot more insulin... It was a nightmare roller coaster ride.
Weight begins to add on because so much insulin is swimming in your body and their advice is workout more, lose some weight blah blah blah... Don't do a diet, they are all fad diets and nobody can stick to them ever... blah blah blah....
Family not afflicted with diabetes are almost worse than the doctors. "Oh that can't be healthy, you need to eat some bread, what do mean what's in that food I cooked it you eat it dumbass, here you wanna count the damn carbs you count them!!!"- as you dodge the can of something flying over your head. Food is so personal it can turn into a war when you are trying to change your lifestyle when you live with others that don't understand or have your same issues.
Taking tab is always bad for health because all medicines are chemical , no other way since diabetics can't be controlled without medicines. U can slowly reduce medicines by reducing or controlling sugar level. Walking and diet control is a must .
first of all you have to inform whether she is type-1 or type-2 diabetic? than only i can reply you
5.6. Appears to be the gold standard. My estimated A1C is 6 right now since starting ketogenics. .5 to go and I can say definitively I'm winning the war.
The liver will always work to make gluclose from fat in the absence of dietary carbohydrates or sugars.
It works to store this for mostly our greedy brain.
So even if we're ketogenic adapted, very low carbs the liver is always working to create glucose from body fat.
A ketogenic adapted body however mostly burns fat for fuel 24 hours a day 7 days a week. However the brain will always get a mixture of ketones and glucose stored in the liver.
I suffer from the dawn effect even though I seriously restrict my carbohydrates to 30 grams or less.
My wakeup fasting blood sugars are high as compared to my afternoon and evening levels. This is because my liver is turning fat into glucose storing it and then tossing it back at me to get me out of bed in the morning.
I should switch to weight lifting at night to see if that lowers my fasting blood sugar levels.
I think that might help as those sugars would be taken up by exercised muscle.
Never heard of it before now. Looked it up it says it's great for stress and nerves. It's also claimed to be an aphrodisiac.
Hi Cann
I have had 3 courses of amoxicillin 500mg, 1 course of Erythromycin, 1 course of doxycycline - all done nothing. And on my 4th lot of steroids. Inhalers changed as i have had asthma since childhood. Nothing improved. Fed up 😢!
The only dairy i have is milk. But you have some really interesting suggestions that i am going to look into ie pollution and pollen.
Thank u
Esky x
Is she over weight? What's her lifestyle? Let her take Cinnamon powder in Luke warm water as a first thing in the mornings. Aldo before lunch in Luke warm water methi powder. If she avoids rice totally it's better! Eat millers, like Jowar, sorghum and Ragi. Salads two times a day. If it does not help, change the medicine. Or Chsnge the doctor. She is too young to have such high readings. Walk for 2 times at least 20 mts. It will help her.
use virgin coconut oil one teaspoon and black coffee without sugar one cup on empty stomach.